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"Cami?? You almost ready?" I called from the bathroom as I was doing my hair.

It was a Saturday and Miles was having a party/get together, so Cami was at mine getting ready. I had a black suit on and a white undershirt, my tie was undone as I was completely useless and couldn't do it up.

I finished up in the bathroom and sauntered off into my bedroom to see how Cami was doing. I stopped in the doorway when I saw her. She looked drop-dead gorgeous.

"This dress isn't too short is it?" She asked me turning around and spinning slowly showing her dress that hugged her figure in all the right places. It was a tight, backless Dark blue sparkly dress with a high neck, she looked divine.

"Camille you look absolutely gorgeous my darlin" I said as I walked over to her from behind as she faced my body-length mirror and was putting her earrings in she grinned at me in the mirror and then put her next earring in.

I ran my hand up her bare back gently making her shiver slightly but smile at me through the mirror, I placed my hands on both her hips and  moved her hair to the side as I begun to place kisses all along the back of her neck and down her upper back making her hum in delight.

"Can you do my tie for me please babe?" I said leaning my head over her shoulder to look at her.

"Come here" she said turning round and pushing me down gently by my shoulders so I could be the same height as her.

I watched her every move as she tied my tie up, how her eyes would go serious when she concentrated and how perfect she had applied her makeup, she was the most beautiful girl in the world and I could just admire her forever and ever.

"You ready to go Danny zuko?" She said snapping me out of my gaze and making me chuckle, she'd always called me Danny Zuko from the film Grease ever since we watched it together and she said how my hairs exactly like his.

"Let's go" I said reaching round her waist and tapping her bum slightly.



"Congratulations on your new album Miles!" Alex and I said in unison as I handed him a bottle of champagne and Alex handed him bag which was filled with wrapped presents and a card from both of us.

"Awh you guys are the best thank you! c'mere you" Miles said kissing Alex's cheek then turning to me,
"Cami you look sexy as fuck!" Miles said making me giggle as he kissed my cheek.

"Aye! That's me girlfriend don't Yer get all sleazy with her" Alex said pulling me close to him making both me and Miles chuckle.

We followed Miles indoors and could already hear Jamie and Nick in a chugging contest.

Everyone was dressed in dresses and suits or shirts and trousers as Miles had said to 'dress smartly'.

Miles had only invited The lads and their girlfriends, as we were all a group really.

Breana, Katie and Kelly rushed over to me and I briefly hugged them all as a hello. They all looked gorgeous in their dresses and they all complimented mine making me blush as I always would whenever someone complimented me.

Alex was already over with the lads and they were doing shots.

"Yer alright Cami! How are ya" Matt said as he brought me into an embrace.

"Good good how are you Helders?" I asked him.

"Yeh I'm alright thank you" Matt said as he handed me a glass of Rosé.

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐴𝐼𝑇𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑆-𝐴𝐿𝐸𝑋 𝑇𝑈𝑅𝑁𝐸𝑅Where stories live. Discover now