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"Hi..can I help you with anything?" I asked him with a small smile. "Oh i just came over to see if you needed any 'elp carrying the drinks over" The attractive mystery guy replied.

"Well that's really nice of you thank you, yeah if you could just take two I'll take the other two that'd be great" I said with my smile growing and a light pink shade forming on my cheeks.

"No problem darlin' I probably just saved you months embarrassment if you'd have tripped and spilt them everywhere" he said with a smirk and light chuckle followed after.

I picked up two glasses and made my way round the bar. "Oh god don't, I've been there before, I had 5 pints On a tray and one just wobbled then next minute they were on the floor" I said with a grimace and a giggle afterwards.

We'd begun slowly walking back over to his table now. He started to laugh at my remark and his head fell back slightly when he laughed, it was the kind of laugh you could listen to all day.

We arrived at his table and I placed two of the drinks down in front of one guy who had a sort of light brown hair slicked back which was quite long and curled behind his ears. He had pink cheeks and light blue with a hint of grey eyes.

He smiled up at me followed by a "thank you love" then took the drink from my hand as I turned to the guy next to him who also had fairly long hair which was curly and over his ears. He had a warm smile printed on his face and had the kind of smile that just made you feel like you were welcome. That's sort of smile. "Cheers love" he said to me taking the last drink out of my hand.

I stood up straight and smiled at each of the men sitting in front of me. Attractive guy had found his place again and was sitting there sipping every now and then. "Right so are you all alright for now then?" I said.
"Yeah thank you darlin' we'll call you over if we need anything else" The man who helped me spoke up with a small smile looking up at me.
I smiled at all of them in return and nodded then turned on my heal to head back to work.

When I was pouring pints and glasses of wine, sometimes the odd Tequila soda or margarita was asked for so I made them too. I stood behind the bar thinking about how I've never seen those four men in this pub before and now I was really intrigued as to if I'd ever see them again...they never called me back over to serve them, Michael swooped in and served them again before I could get there.

This night had probably been the most interesting night of my life for a long time as I'd finally seen a guy who stuck out to me. But part of me knew I would most likely never see him again after tonight.

Oh how wrong I was...

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐴𝐼𝑇𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑆-𝐴𝐿𝐸𝑋 𝑇𝑈𝑅𝑁𝐸𝑅Where stories live. Discover now