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I blinked a few times to process what he'd said. I then looked at all the others who were looking at me eagerly with small smiles. "Of course I am" I breathed out with a grin.

"Thank fuck, I can't deal being the only girl here anymore christ" Breana said as she squeezed past Matt and linked her arm in mine. I grinned at her and then she tugged me along to start walking. I remember looking back and seeing Alex pay for all our drinks. I felt so bad I made a check in my head to pay him back at the end of the night.

As we strolled down the street I was a tad bit tipsy I'd had 3 vodka sodas and two tequila shots so my vision was a bit blurred and my feet were bouncing on the pathway. I didn't care I was still in my work clothes as my work clothes were pretty casual and Breana assured me that I'd be fine going into the club dressed like this as I had some doubts. Me and Breana skipped down the path arm in arm singing Totos Africa laughing every few minutes.

"So mate how'd you meet this girl then?" Matt asked me as we walked along heading to the club under the starlit sky. The girls were ahead of us and I chuckled at how stupid they looked skipping and singing at the top of their voices. It was cute though.

"Well I met her the first night we went to tha' pub and then I bumped into 'er when she were walking home from work earlier on today and yeah" I replied with a small smile. Nick and Jamie walked closely behind me and Matt and were talking amongst themselves.

"Ohhh Shes nice, I'm glad Breanas made a friend" Matt said with a grin. I huffed a laugh and straightened my leather jacket, popping it's collar so it stood upright slightly.

"Yer fancy 'er?" Matt then asked out of the blue. Honestly I almost choked when he said that. "What? No! I've barely known her five minutes christ Matthew" I said with a laugh. He shrugged in return then went back to staring at his girlfriends behind.

When we arrived at the club we'd caught up with the girls and both of their eyes were weighing down and they both had silly smiles plastered on their faces. Breana kept clinging onto Matts arm and obviously thought she was whispering which she wasn't as I heard every word she said, which was telling him what she was going to do to him when they got home...I blinked profusely and looked away.

We were stood in a small ish queue to get into the club I was stood next to Matt and Breana, Camille was in front of me, Nick and Jamie behind. Camille kept swaying so I stepped forward and stood next to her and gently placed my hand on her back to steady her.

"Thank you" she slurred with a grin. I smiled back at her. Then the bouncer called us up next and I gave him some money but he immediately recognised me and started stuttering before he then let us in. Camille looked at me and breathed a "It really is true then isn't it".

I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows whilst we stood in the doorway of the club.

"Sorry love what's true?" I said leaning down to her a bit as the music was loud. "Your in the band the arctic monkeys" she called back to me. I chuckled and went a bit red as I much preferred just being Alex instead of Alex from the arctic monkeys.

"Yeah. Yeah" I said with a smile. Her eyes widened and she beamed back at me.
"I've got like all of your songs on my playlist but yet I had no idea who you were that's crazy!" She slurred with an excited tone as she grinned. I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her shoulder to keep her upright as I guided her to the main part of the club.

The club was absolutely packed. I whispered in Camille's ear to not run off and stay by my side, she looked up at me and nodded like a cute child. Matt and Breana were already dancing on the dancefloor. Jamie and Nick were already at the bar bit doing shots.

I guided Cami to a quieter part and sat her down, I went a got two margaritas from the bar and came back and handed one to her.
"Thank you." she slurred in a singy voice.
I smiled and sat down sipping at my drink every now and then, glancing around the club at the figures of people bouncing up and down or grinding on one another.

I looked back over at Camille who was staring at the dancefloor. She had already downed her margarita and honestly I was impressed..I only brought it over about a minute ago.

"You want to dance don't you?" I said to her leaning over the table so she could hear me.
"I love dancing" she said grinning back at me.
I stood from my seat and walked around the table and extended my hand out to her.

She looked at it as if it was an alien. I nodded to it then she placed her hand in mine gently.
She stood slowly and I held her hand firmly to keep her steady, she looked at me and waited for me to say something until I finally leant closer to her and said.

"Come on Camille we're goin dancin"

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐴𝐼𝑇𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑆-𝐴𝐿𝐸𝑋 𝑇𝑈𝑅𝑁𝐸𝑅Where stories live. Discover now