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I'd had my nap and was just getting into the shower. I had my phone sitting on my bathroom window sill and had my playlist playing at the very loudest my phone could go.

"Do you still feel younger than you thought you would by now? Or darlin have you started feeling old yet" I sang softly as I let the hot water run over my back and my hair.

My whole playlist consisted of songs from a band called Arctic monkeys, Lana Del Rey, Tame impala and some David Bowie songs and a couple of The killers songs too.

After about 6 songs later I stood out of the shower, grabbing my towel and walked to my bedroom. I had two sets of work shirts so then I wouldn't have to wear the same shirt I'd worn this morning to work again. I got dressed and dried my hair and then straightened it. My hair was fairly long just fell beneath my shoulders above my breasts.

It was a dark brown but I had faint blonde highlights in it. I had quite tanned skin, perks of living in LA of course and that meant I had a few freckles over my nose and cheeks. I did my makeup which consisted of Concealer to cover my dark eye bags, mascara, bronzer, blush and some lipgloss. My eyebrows were already dark so I just put some eyebrow gel over them.

My phone buzzed and it was my brother calling me. "Calvin Klein how you doin" I said down the phone to him. I call him Calvin Klein just to piss him off he loves me really though. "Shut up Cami I told you to stop calling me that" Calvin called down the phone. I laughed and pulled my boots on holding my phone between my ear and shoulder.

"So what'd you want then" I asked him after tying my laces. "Just checking to see how you're doing, you getting ready for work?" He asked me as I sprayed perfume on my chest and neck and my body.

"Yep just getting ready to go now" I replied grabbing my bag purse and checking my watch that sat firmly on my left wrist 7:03pm it read I had 27 minutes until my shift started it takes me 15 minutes to walk to the pub so I best leave now.

"Cal I'm gonna have to cut short I gotta go now I start at 7:30" I said as I left my bedroom with my arms full and my phone still held between my shoulder and ear as I jogged down the stairs. "Oh alright yeah okay text me when you get home tonight so I don't worry bout ya" Calvin said as i unlocked the front door.

"Alright mr Klein love ya" I said with a smile even though he couldn't see it. "Fuck off Cami the..the.. oh I haven't thought of a pisstake name for you yet alright?" He replied in defeat as I chuckled down the phone.

"See ya weirdo" I called as I ended the call and a faint "bye bitch" called back before I hit end call.

I locked up the front door and begun to walk down the street it was still light out the sun was setting and the golden rays of the sun glowed calmly on the pathway before me. As I walked I remembered the familiar someone I would be seeing tonight.

I smiled at that thought and picked up the pace of my walking as I couldn't wait to start my shift and see..Alex.

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐴𝐼𝑇𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑆-𝐴𝐿𝐸𝑋 𝑇𝑈𝑅𝑁𝐸𝑅Where stories live. Discover now