𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝

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It was December which meant the boys had a break from tour for Christmas and New Years. I hadn't seen Al since August as I never got a chance to fly back over because the flights were all full and I couldn't get any more time off work.

Alex told me that Matt and him were going to spend Christmas in Sheffield with their parents and Alex asked me to join him. Of course my Dad and Cal were a little upset I wasn't spending Christmas with them again but I promised them as soon as I returned back to LA we'd have our own little late Christmas at my dads.

I'd been calling Alex every chance he got and he Facetimed every night or most nights anyways. It's been four months since I saw him last and I mean two months away from him on The Last shadow puppets tour was enough for me but now double that! I'd had a few tears some days as I'd have a really bad day at work or just a bad day in general and then coming home to no one was just as depressing, normally Al would be there to smother me in kisses and cuddles and instantly boost my mood. I couldn't wait to see him again I felt like I was going to burst.

I'd seen Kelly a lot over the past months when she'd been coming back to LA, we went out to the park a lot with Little O'Malley and then we'd day drink in each of our gardens and just catch up really. Same for Katie, whenever she was back in LA we'd always see eachother and just have days out or have meals together.
I'd spoken to Breana loads aswell, everyday she'd sent me a picture of Alex and the Lads and kept me updated with everything which was lovely.

I was going to get a flight over to Sheffield now and meet Alex there, he was already there as he'd arrived there yesterday so he said he would drive to the airport and pick me up.

I sat impatiently in the airport waiting room and I had a tub of frozen yogurt and my bags with me. I was waiting for my flight to be called over the speakers so then I could go get my bags in the baggage area then get on the plane.

I sat there texting Alex and just eating the yogurt, it was mango flavour, the colour of it reminded me of One of Alex's shirts he used to wear a lot in the summer. I was so impatient because I just wanted to be in his arms again.

Once I'd finished the tub I threw it in the bin and then finally my flight was announced over the speakers.


The flight was boring as anything, screaming and crying children, the flight attendant who was serving me was really moody so that was great when I tried to order some food, if Alex was with me he would've pulled a face at her and called her "mardy bum".

As I collected my bags from baggage I wandered through the airport looking for my dearly missed favourite face. And there he was, looking better than ever, freshly shaved face no more goatee which I loved on him but I loved him fresh shaved too of course! hair trimmed and brushed perfectly to fit his head shape, a light pink button up shirt, tucked into a pair of black trousers accompanied by the belt I bought him years ago, and on top a navy blue blazer. Left hand in his pocket but was pulled out now and then to run a hand through his hair, right hand holding onto some baby pink peonies.

I beamed as he hadn't seen me yet then just  darted straight towards him, weaving in an out of people walking past and holding my bags tight.

"Al!" I called over the buzzing noise of the airport.

His head turned and the biggest smile wiped over his face when he saw me.

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐴𝐼𝑇𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑆-𝐴𝐿𝐸𝑋 𝑇𝑈𝑅𝑁𝐸𝑅Where stories live. Discover now