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The lights were almost like spotlights shining on each of their faces. The four men stood there gazing around the room until the one with spiky dark blonde ish hair pointed at a table and begun to walk over to it, the rest followed.

I then noticed Alex who was at the back of the group swaggering in with his sunglasses..off? I'd never seen him without his sunglasses so he looked different I suppose. But then my eyes fell to the 5th figure whom was a woman she was tall and slender had short brown hair and wore a tight black dress with black heals and a denim jacket over the top. She was pretty.

I looked back down and pretended as if I hadn't noticed them yet and I carried on with cleaning the bar.

"Camille!" A familiar voice called. I looked up and my eyes immediately met the eyes of Alex's. He was stood in front of the table beckoning me to come over with a smirk on his face.

I placed the cloth into the sink and pulled my jeans up as I strolled over to their table. I pulled my notepad out my pocket and my pen to take their order. Alex had sat down now and had sat down next to the guy with the long ish brown curly hair. I smiled at them and they knew straight away what I meant.

"Errr yeah I'll have a pint of strongbow and love what'd you want?" Said the spiky dark blonde haired guy as he turned to the beautiful girl sitting next to him, I figured that was his girlfriend as he looked at her with that kind of look that screamed love. "Ummm I'll just have a gin and tonic please Matthew" the Girl said with a smile. I wrote both the drinks down and looked over to Alex and the two other men to signify their turn to say what they wanted.

"Umm do you do food at this time or is there only certain days you do food?" the Guy with his long ish hair tucked behind his ears. "No we do food now I can grab you a menu when I bring back you're drinks if you'd like?" I replied with a smile as I tapped my pen on the notepad as I was bursting for a piss.

"Yes please that'd be great, um I'll 'ave Half a bitter please love thank you" he replied. I wrote it down and turned my gaze to Alex who was already staring back at me. I felt my chinks redden under his gaze as his Deep chocolate brown eyes were watching me. "Ahem. I'll Have a...ummm..Margarita please Cami and can it be crushed ice in it please thank you"
Alex finally said with a smile. "Of course" I said politely and smiled at him before writing it down.

"I'll have a pint of Guinness please love" said the last guy with the brown curly hair. I wrote that down then nodded at them and went back to the bar.

I made all their drinks and instead of carrying them all at the same time I made two trips I took Alex's margaritas and the girls Gin and tonic over first then I went back and put the other guys Beers and bitter on a tray and carefully took that over. I placed a menu on the table in front of the guy who had asked for one. Then I went back over to the bar to take more orders for the other people who had come in.

I felt different talking to the 4 men today. Well obviously because I now knew they were the Arctic monkeys. But then again my dad could've gotten that wrong? I could only find out from them but we weren't exactly friends. Alex and I only briefly had spoken to one another and I'd fallen onto him. It's Not like I knew absolutely anything about them.

"Hey Cami" The familiar British voice asked me as I was serving an old guy at the bar. I turned around and looked at Alex with a smile on my face. "What time do you finish?" He said smirking.

"Ummmm" I checked my watch which read 8:23pm. "I finish at 10" I said with a tone of pain in my voice as I still had one hour and 37 minutes of work left.

"Ah okay that's fine. We were..well I were wonderin if you'd wanna have a drink with us after you finish yer shift?" Alex asked with the raise of his right eyebrow.

I blinked a few times and smiled. "Oh no I wouldn't want to intrude you guys hardly know me" I said with my eyebrows gently furrowing.
"Don't be daft that's the 'hole point I wanna get to know ya you seem lovely" he said with a warm smile. I honestly thought someone had drugged me and I was day dreaming at this point.

"Are you sure?" I said with uncertainty leaked in my voice. "Of course I bloody am so come and join us when yer finished Aight? Also me mate Jamie said can he have cheesy chips please here's the menu" Alex replied as he handed me the menu back.

I smiled and nodded then wrote down 'Cheesy chips' on a Sticky note and jogged through to the kitchen and placed it on the Shelve top where the chef, Barry, would grab them then make whatever they said on it.

I jogged back into the bar and Alex was still stood there one arm leaning on the bar top his leather jacket clung to his shoulders and his hands clasped together. "Okay I'll come over when I'm finished but tell your friends I am coming over because I don't want them to be weirded out if I just sat down with you all" I said with a big grin and a giggle.

"Nah honestly love we are much fookin' weirder I promise ya" he replied with a quick wink then he smacked the bar top gently and strutted back over to the table.

I had to bite my lip to stop myself from smiling so much.

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