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The golden light shone through my blinds, the lined rays sat on my bed and lit up my room, as I sat up in bed I rubbed my eyes lazily and stretched and yawned; I looked over to my bedside table and grabbed my phone, it read 9:57 am. I didn't have work today as it was Thursday and I had a bit of a hangover so thank fuck for that.

I ripped the quilts off me and slivered out of bed and grabbed my silk dressing gown and threw it on. I then made my way downstairs and saw a figure lying asleep on the sofa, the downstairs was pretty big so the living room and kitchen were joined together.

I sat on the kitchens island bench and looked over at the figure snoring on the sofa...My dad.

I got up and put the coffee machine on and whilst I waited I grabbed myself a glass of water and chugged it, I then got another one and chugged that again. When my coffee was ready I poured it into a mug and grabbed myself a granola bar and a banana. I was quite a healthy girl but I wasn't always big on breakfasts so that was all I'd have, I then made my way back upstairs.

When I reached my room I walked over to my balcony doors and drew the curtains revealing the bright and sunny LA before me; then I opened up my window blinds beside my bed and went back over to the doors and unlocked them and stepped out onto my balcony. It was a fairly small balcony, consisted of only a small metal table and one chair, the table holding my ash tray as I only went out there to smoke or in the mornings to get a bit of fresh air.

I know I know, I'm a smoker, not addicted or anything I only do it now and then, mainly when I'm stressed which is a bad habit to have but other times I'd use that ash tray for the odd joint I'd have now and then.

I placed my banana, granola bar and coffee in front of me on the table. I then ran back inside and grabbed my pen and journal and went back outside. I sat down and curled my legs up onto the chair and peeled my banana and ate as I wrote down in my journal, I wasn't the kind of girl to keep a diary but recently I'd just release thoughts into it. That's what my therapist advised me to do, write it all down because I Apparently 'bottle it all up'. She wasn't wrong though, I do.

It would help me sort of, it's like clearing the clouds in my mind faintly when I write things down. I looked out to my neighbourhood beneath me, and how everyone was going about on their Thursday morning; my room was at the front of my house so I faced the road, the odd car would drive past now and then, and Sue my 54 year old neighbour was taking her bin out and collecting her letters from her postbox. I smiled to myself as I looked back down to my journal and thought about last night...

I'd made 5 new friends, Normally I hated meeting new people because it was always awkward and boring, but these guys were just amazing, how they kept me involved in every conversation, how I'm now involved in practically every inside joke they all have. It felt so good to finally have some friends who aren't my brother or my co-workers.

As I sipped my coffee I heard my phone buzzing in my bedroom and I placed my journal and cup down onto the table and got up and ran inside. I picked it up and glanced at the number, it was a random number so I questioned answering it or not... but I did anyway.

"Camille I feel so fucking sick right now I'm so hungover I wish we never did them shots at the pub, I don't normally have shots...godddd my head is bangin..anyways..how are you? Are you coming with us on Saturday? Please say you are I can't be the only woman with them men children" a very tired Breana rushed down the phone.

I smiled and chuckled lightly,
"Yeah I'm gonna be there, Alex invited me to come last night and I couldn't say no to hanging out with you lot again" I said as I walked back outside and sat down, I put my phone on speaker and sipped my coffee.

"Thank fuck for that! You're actually the funniest girl I've ever met you know, I know full well we're gonna become the best of friends" Breana said and I could hear her grinning the way she spoke. I smiled at my phone. "Yep we are, and so are you I'm so happy I've met you all, my life was boring before you lot" I said beaming down at my phone even though she couldn't see me.

Breana laughed lightly, "yeah I think we're just gonna go on a bit of a pub crawl this Saturday you're not working are you?" She asked.
"Nope I'm working tomorrow night but not Saturday" I said whilst I bit into my granola bar.
"Okay cool, I just wanted to see how you were doin, Matthews in the shower and I just woke up yeah" Breana said as she yawned afterwards, making me yawn too.

"Aw thank you for checking on me, yeah I'm alright got a bit of a headache and I'm gonna get back into bed soon as I'm absolutely knackered, but yeah so I'll see you Saturday yes?" I said crumpling my granola bar wrapper up and placing it into my empty coffee mug.

"Yep see you Saturday girl, and don't wear anything too fancy it's just some old pubs we'll be going to.." Breana said as I stood up slowly brushing the crumbs off my pyjama bottoms.
"God did you read my mind? I was just about to ask what should I wear" I said huffing a laugh as I picked up my mug and banana skin.

Breana giggled "I just had a feeling you might wonder, so yeah I'm gonna wear my denim shorts and a t shirt so that's how casual it is" she said laughing slightly, I chuckled back too.
"Okay well thanks for the call Breana, take a Tablet and drink some water, and say hi to Matt for me, I'll see you Saturday!" I called down the phone as I made my way back inside my room.

"See you Saturday Hun byeeeee" breana called in a sing song voice down the phone.
"Byeeeeee" I returned in the same voice and ended the call.

I couldn't wait for Saturday to come...

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐴𝐼𝑇𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑆-𝐴𝐿𝐸𝑋 𝑇𝑈𝑅𝑁𝐸𝑅Where stories live. Discover now