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Camille POV:
"Oh you are fucking kidding me." I muttered under my breath as I wiped up the drink some old guy had spilt over the floor. I hated working on Friday evenings, why? Because it meant middle-aged and old men would come in straight from work and get absolutely shit-faced. And when you're a woman working at a pub mixed with old creepy men...yeah it's really not fun; at least I know karate though so..

That's me, Camille Wilson, or Cami which is what all of my friends and family call me (not that I have many friends I meant what my 3 friends call me) I'm 22 years old and I'm a bartender and a waitress or are they the same thing? Anyways..so I bartend most days and then normally I'm waitressing the other times, but on busy evenings like this I do both which means I'm running about taking orders and running back to the bar to make the drinks too.

I have a pretty basic life, I was born and raised in LA, my Mum left when I was 15, I have an older brother called Calvin he's 24, yes I know, classic mother thing to do name both your children beginning with the same letter..My brother moved out 2 years ago but I still see him everyday or every other day pretty much, we're really close he's been my rock ever since Mum left us because he knew I was close with her and I was a wreck when she left..

My Dads your basic middle-aged alcoholic, comes to the pub I work at every other night with his mates and acts like I'm not even his daughter and that I'm just some random girl...I don't blame him though I mean after my past he's probably embarrassed of me. When he's sober though he's the most amazing father in the world, but again, when my Mum left us, he hasn't really seen a day sober since.

Ah yes, my past! Forgot you had to bring up what's actually happened in your life, So my life's been really shite, it's probably been the most confusing life in the whole world.

I'm surprised I'm still alive sometimes because fuck I've been through some shit. But that bedtime story is for another time; I never open up to people, not even my brother, no one knows what goes on inside my head day and night, except for me of course. But you see, people who have been through so much and have a traumatic past..don't tend to tell anyone how they feel.

"You alright down there Cami?" My co-worker Michael called out to me with a smirk on his face. "Might start calling you that now, Cami the Cleaner!" He added with a laugh.
"Fuck off Mikey! I shouldn't have cleaned it up so then maybe I could've seen you slip and fall on your arse" I replied back with a smug look on my face.

"Ah Camille your sarcasm and jokes are the reason I work at this place!" Michael said with a beaming smile on his face.
Michael's one of my friends, he's the kind of guy who could walk into a room and just make u smile instantly, we always crack jokes 24/7 at work, but the jokes tend to be just us bullying each-other and then laughing about it afterwards; he's the only reason I enjoy working here.

"Cami I need to put a tab on for some bloke at the bar so could you please serve those 4 men sitting over there?" Michael asked me whilst pointing his finger behind my shoulder.
I rose up from the floor where I'd been bent down cleaning. "Yeah sure" I said.
I threw the damp cloth back onto the bar top and grabbed my notepad and pen to take the order of the men. I briefly looked around until I spotted where Michael had been pointing a minute ago. Four men sat in the corner of the pub laughing their heads off, they were dressed like they'd just come back from a ball..ties, suits, black trousers, white shirts, hair slicked back that looks like it's taken hours to do. All except for one guy who was wearing leopard print slipper shoes?

I giggled to myself then strolled over to their table. As soon as I got there all 8 eyes turned on me, and normally when all attentions on me I'm never really bothered. But for some reason each of their glare was firing straight through my head. They all looked about my age maybe older, which was a first seeming as almost every man in the pub was old enough to be my Dad maybe even Grandad.
"Hi, what can I get you all this morning" I said finally after physically feeling my cheeks burn under their gaze.

"Hi, yeah we'll just have 4 pints of Guinness please." The guy with leopard print shoes said to me with a small smile. He had an accent, British? It sounded like northern British really, and I loved British accents they just sound so cool.

"Okay, can I get you anything else or is that it for the moment?" I replied whilst writing down what they'd ordered in my small notepad.

I looked up and my eyes sort of just moved on their own and I found myself gazing at this one man sat next to leopard print shoe guy; he was sat with one leg resting on the other legs knee and one his arms resting on the back of his friends chair. He had gel slicked back hair and had one curl falling gently onto his forehead, his white shirt hugged his shoulders and arms but his sleeves were rolled, he had sunglasses on even though it was 7:43pm but that sort of just added to his "bad boy demeanour" I suppose. I must say though, he was very attractive.

I snapped back into reality when attractive guy spoke up and said "Nah it's alright darling, we'll probably want another round inabit but for now just those, cheers" Attractive guy said in his even more British accent than his friend, with a small smirk tugging at his lips.

"Okay I'll be back over in a moment with your drinks" I replied with a smile on my face.
All four men called a "cheers" or a "cheers love" out to me as I walked back over to the bar.
To be honest, I never really seemed appealed in the men at the pub who were around my age. But this guy was different? I couldn't stop glancing over at their table as I made their drinks.

But as I finished Making the last drink and putting it on the tray I grabbed the tray and looked up as something caught my eye.
Attractive guy was leaning on the bar staring right at me...

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐴𝐼𝑇𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑆-𝐴𝐿𝐸𝑋 𝑇𝑈𝑅𝑁𝐸𝑅Where stories live. Discover now