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4 days later...

It was 1:46 pm on a Wednesday, I didn't have work today thank god. Matt, Alex and Breana came by the pub last night to see me and I had a drink with them after my shift.

I'd told them all about my party on Saturday and they all said they'd be there. Alex said he'd invited a couple of his friends and Jamie texted me saying his girlfriend Katie was coming too.

My brother Calvin said he was invited a load of his friends that I knew sort of well, and they were bringing their girlfriends or girl-friends with them.

I was sitting on my bed painting my toe nails, I had Arctic monkeys 'Do me a favour' playing on my phone out loud and was humming along to it.

My Dad had been so different recently, but not in a bad way, he had gone back to his old self, the one before my mum left. He was sober and taking good care of himself. I couldn't have been happier for him, even after everything he put me through.

My front doorbell rang and made me slip my hand and paint on my pinky toe accidentally.

"Shit" I muttered under my breath as I wiped the nail polish off with my thumb. I placed the polish on my bedside table and skipped downstairs.

"Coming!" I called as i didn't want the person at the door to think I wasn't going to answer.

I grabbed my keys and went over to the door and unlocked it. The sun shone through and made me squint as I pulled my door open and I was met with a Very chirpy looking Alex.

He had his arm resting on the door frame, a white t shirt on and a leather jacket over the top, his black aviators perked on his face and his black jeans accompanied by a belt on too. His hair slicked into its usual quiff.

"Alreyt?" He asked me grinning slightly.

"Yeah you? Come in come in.." I said pushing the door further back and moving out the way so he could step in.

"Yeah I'm not too bad thanks love" Alex said as he stepped in and took his aviators off to hang them on his shirt.

I hadn't made any plans with Alex to come over so I sort of just stood there after I shut the front door, staring at him waiting as to why he'd come here.

He glanced at me and the front door a few times before blinking "Oh! Right yeah sorry..zoned out..I dont actually have a reason why I'm here.." he said scratching the back of his neck.

"I was just in the neighbourhood and thought I'd pop in and see you" he said smiling softly.

"Oh yeah of course that's fine." I said heading past him and into my kitchen, he followed behind me.

"Do you want a drink of anything?" I asked him opening my fridge and grabbing a can of coke.

"Whatever you're 'Avin love I'll 'ave" Alex said stuffing his hands in his jean pockets.

I grabbed two glasses and poured some ice into them, before then pouring some coke into each of them. I turned to the cupboard and got out a bottle of vodka, and poured some into each glass.

"Here you go.." i said to Alex handing him his glass to which he quietly replied a 'thank you' "do ya wanna sit outside?" I asked him nodding my head to the back door.

"Mhm" Alex nodded sipping his drink.

We sat outside on the chairs and Alex had a cigarette but I turned him down when he offered me one as I wasn't feeling a cig at the moment.

We talked about my party and I pointed around my garden at where chairs were going to go and where the fairy lights were going to hang, Alex listened intently to everything I said and followed my finger with his eyes when I pointed at something.

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐴𝐼𝑇𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑆-𝐴𝐿𝐸𝑋 𝑇𝑈𝑅𝑁𝐸𝑅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें