56. One Year Strong

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*Warning: Mature content ahead. Please read at your discretion. 🔞



Yoongi's 1st Person POV

It's lucky for me that Melina is in Seoul the whole month of March. Not only was I able to celebrate my birthday with her being present, but, now I get to celebrate one year of Melina being in my life. It was around this time last year that we set eyes on each other at the LA Staples Center during the Grammy Awards. Who knew the two of us would be where we are now- together and in love. Fuck, I love her.

It's Friday, approximately 12pm. Since Melina has been training while in Seoul, she's had Saturdays and Sundays off. It won't stay that way after she gets more responsibilities. But, for now, we are taking advantage of that free time she has. I, on the other hand, made arrangements a couple months ago to have this weekend free to take her on a getaway. I decided to rent out a chalet in Pyeongchang. She loves to go hiking and I know she'd enjoy some trails there.

What Melina's not aware of is that we have some fellow travelers coming along with us and they should be arriving at our place any minute now, according to a text I just received.

Melina is getting some last minute things together that she says is a surprise for our weekend. I'm definitely intrigued considering she's always so chock-full of ideas.  Not long after I reply to one of our mystery travel guests, via text, Melina is bounding through the hallway with a giant duffel bag. While she gets closer to the front door, where I'm standing with the luggage, the doorbell rings.

"Is that a delivery? Are we expecting someone?" Melina asks as she places the duffel bag on top one of our luggages.

I feigned ignorance, "We'll find out Jagi."

As I open the door wide and Sarah and Jungkook come to Melina's view, both women squeal loudly.

"Sarah! What the fuck?! When did you get here?!" Melina asks, surprise evident in her voice.

"Last night! I crashed at the dorm. Since Yoongi has been here, I took his bed! I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you!" Sarah tells my girlfriend as they give each other a hug.

"I missed you!" Melina says while she's still in an embrace with her best friend.

"Oh, you're telling me! It was getting so lonely in our home! I've had Gabby stay with me a lot! She misses you, too!" Sarah says as she pulls away from the hug, "Now, show me around your place before we hit the road!"

As Melina gives Sarah a brief tour, Jungkook helps me take all our luggage to the back of the SUV we are taking up to Pyeongchang.

"What's in the duffel bag?" Jungkook wonders out loud as he picked it up, "It feels like there's hardware or something in here."

"I have no idea. I wonder if it's part of the surprise she said she has for me," I think out loud as we near the back of the vehicle.

"Can I look, Yoongi-hyung?!" Jungkook asks while looking at me with pleading eyes.

"I don't know, Jungkook. If it's the surprise, I don't want to ruin it for either of us," I explain to him.

"Then, I won't tell you, Hyung!" He says mischievously as he unzips the bag to take a peek.

"Jungkook, for fuck's sake!" I growl lowly at him as I turn my back. There's no point stopping his curious eyes.

"Holy fuck," he harshly says in a loud whisper, then raising his voice for his next statement, "Hyung, just be glad our rooms are on different floors."

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