38. Plans Revealed

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*Warning: Mild mature content towards the end. Please read at your discretion. 🔞



"You guys make it back safely to the hotel, okay?!" Hunter yells from inside the vehicle that is taking him and Davey back to the same hotel.

"Will do! Get some rest guys! Oh, and you were all fantastic tonight!" You yell back at him, enthusiastically.

After Alkaline Trio and AFI performed, you stayed long enough to  ensure that all the gear and merch were taken care of. AFI took two separate vehicles since Jade and Adam brought their significant others.

You and Gabby ended up riding back to the hotel with Yoongi and his friends, Dosan and Joyeong. Yoongi introduced them to you earlier, sometime after your little backstage session. Dosan is outgoing and kept cracking jokes and Joyeong is more reserved. Joyeong is actually part of the BigHit security staff. You remember seeing him at the Grammys but were never formally introduced to each other until now. Over the years, Yoongi and Joyeong became close friends. And, Yoongi actually met Dosan through Joyeong.

By the time you arrive at the hotel, it's already late, so everyone quickly said goodnight to each other and headed to their rooms. Sarah informed you in the car ride back to the hotel that you, Yoongi, and his friends have a flight departing for Fukuoka at 2:30pm, while the band and crew have a flight about an hour after you. So, it's good you didn't have to wake up too early because you have some plans in mind for your handsome secret visitor for the night.

When you and Yoongi finally make it into your room, he orders some room service since you were both starving. As you wait, you both lay in bed, your backs against the pillows, propped on the headboard, cozily in each other's arms.

"Yoongi, is this why you made sure I had my own hotel room- because you were planning on visiting me?" You ask the sneaky man beside you.

"Maybe... okay, yes! I had Gabby help me plan out the trip. Dosan, Joyeong and I are planning on following all the stops with you. The guys might not attend all of the remaining shows, since I want them to explore and enjoy Japan. And, I just want to spend time with you," he tells you with the deep voice you've missed hearing in person.

"I can't believe you and Gabby planned all of this! So, are all three of you flying to the rest of the cities with us? Were you able to book flights at the same time?" You ask him, just trying to fill yourself in on all the details.

"Tomorrow's flight to Fukuoka is going to be about an hour early departure from when your staff leaves, as Gabby informed you earlier. But, that's another part of the surprise. I had Gabby change your flight for tomorrow, so you can fly with me. She has everything under control with the band. Even Hunter suggested it'll be fine for you to travel ahead of them. And, luckily, we were able to book the same flights when heading to Nagoya and Tokyo," he fills you in on even more information. You're pleasantly baffled by all of this.

"Yoongi, I just cannot believe you went out of your way. Did you take time off?! What about the group and the company?!" You're curious to how he was able to make time to join you.

"Actually, the company gave us two weeks of vacation that happened to overlap with AFI's Japan tour. It was like fate. It's like I was meant to have time to visit you, Jagi!" He says in a joking tone and chuckles.

"You're too much," you giggle and kiss him on his nose, "I really missed you and I'm beyond happy that you came to join me! And, for you to surprise me with it- you're really something, Min Yoongi!"

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