36. Hello, Osaka!

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"Shit! Where's my passport?!"

Kelen is frantically looking through his carry-on with Gabby's help. Luckily, he finds it immediately, wedged between his iPad and his sketch pad.

It's Thursday morning- precisely 9am. And, the whole crew is about to board the plane to head to the first stop of the tour, Osaka!

AFI is touring with two bands, Alkaline Trio and Thursday. This means you'll be working alongside Thursday's manager, Anthony. The two of you had a fling that started a couple months after you ended your engagement with Kevin when you were both working during a touring festival. You both were vocal about not wanting anything serious, so it never evolved into anything more. He's harmless, but it's always strange coming across old flings.

You wanted to call Yoongi before you boarded the plane, but it's 2am, his time, and you didn't want to risk waking him up if he's sleeping. So, you separate yourself a little further away from the staff and crew for some quiet space and record a voice message to send him. You know he leaves his ringtone on more often now since he says he's less likely to miss your call with it on as opposed to when he keeps his phone on silent or on vibrate. His text notification sound isn't as loud as his voice call ringtone, so sending a text message is better.

"Hi, Yoongi! I'm about to board the plane. I wanted to call you, but didn't want to wake you up, so I thought a voice recorded message would suffice. I'll have wifi on the plane so feel free to message me when you're awake! We should be in Osaka around 8pm, which is basically your time zone! I'll talk to you later, baby."

You send the voice recording via text message and return back to where Gabby is standing.

"You about ready, babe?" Gabby asks you, making sure you're good to go.

"Yes. I've got my carry-on and my passport!"


You've been on the plane for hours now and you have a couple more hours until you arrive at your destination. You slept a healthy amount during the flight. Some people struggle to sleep on planes. But, you're such a heavy sleeper that you can snooze just about anywhere. When Yoongi woke up, he texted you saying he heard your voice recording and listened to it several times because he just likes hearing your voice. That message did not fail to make you gush. You both messaged back and forth whenever you were awake.

You currently text him informing him that you'll be in Osaka in a couple hours. The upside of being in Japan is that you and Yoongi will be in the same time zone for more than a week, so it'll be easier to get a hold of him without worrying about whether or not you'll wake him from his slumber.


It is now 10pm, and you're already on your hotel bed. You have your own room even though you tried to have Gabby share one with you, but she insisted splitting and she even had the costs all handled. When you first entered the room assigned to you earlier, you were pleasantly surprised at how nice your room is.

knock knock

You answer the door and it's Gabby.

"Fancy room you have here," she says with a playful wink.

"Gabby, do you know something that I don't? Why am I in such a room?" You question your assistant.

"You really want to know, Mel?" She questions you back, raising a brow while simultaneously smirking at you.

"Just spill, damnit!" You scream in demand.

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