20. Guys Night In

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Yoongi's 1st Person POV

It's Friday and currently 11pm at night. Since we are in Pacific Standard time, it would be 4pm and already Saturday in Korea. Hoseok and I just finished doing a half hour V-Live. We ordered room service during the broadcast but the food just showed up. It's a late dinner for us since our day was jammed pack.

"Jungkook texted and asked if he can come over to your room," Hoseok relays the information to me while cutting into his steak.

"That's fine. Good thing we have a bunch of food," I say as I chuckle to myself, knowing Jungkook will eat off our plates.

"I'll text him the thumbs up." He says as he's on his phone.

"Hoseok, how's it going with Roxy?" I was curious to hear more about this person who's caught his attention. They met back home, not too long ago, through mutual friends of theirs. She has actually been living in Korea for a while as an English teacher. She's from Romania. I remember Melina mentioning wanting to visit there. Of course my mind always goes back to that woman. Hoseok snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, Roxy?! She's doing great! We were able to video chat last night. I can't wait to see her again when we're back!" He grins at you as he cuts a piece of steak.

"I bet you're ready to be home just to see her," I tell him. In my mind, I'm thinking about how I'm dreading leaving now that Melina has presented herself into my life.

We both continue eating and talking about other topics, like Taehyung and his girlfriend, Yoohyeon, and how it was nice that she was able to come to LA to visit for three days, to celebrate their one-year anniversary. Yoohyeon traveled here with Hoseok's sister, Dawon.  Taehyung actually met his girlfriend through Hoseok's sister.

That's the reason why Hoseok and Taehyung couldn't make it out to dinner on Wednesday. Hoseok wanted to spend some time and have dinner with his sister one-on-one. Taehyung was the one who arranged all the flights and accommodations for the women. He wanted his anniversary to be special even when he was away. The kid is in love, and I'm happy for him.

I check my phone and see that Melina sent me a picture of her, Sarah, and her friend, Gabby, who I've heard of but have yet to meet. The background is the bar she said her and friends are at. She sent it a couple minutes ago so I assume they're still there. I can finally reply to her since we're done with our V-Live.

Hey, Jagi! Looks like you and the girls are having fun! And, it's nice seeing your face even through a picture.

Aww, thanks, Yoongi! And, we are enjoying ourselves! We'll probably be leaving in a few minutes. We just wanted to get a couple drinks and gossip and vent about work. 😝  Also, I saw a notification for your V-Live with Hoseok! The girls and I tuned in for a couple minutes. Couldn't really hear it much at the bar, but I really like seeing your face, to be honest.

Haha! That's good you ladies have the time to meet up! I'm flattered you took time to watch our V-Live just to see my face, Jagiya. If you're being honest, I might as well be honest, too. I miss you.

While I waited for her reply, I went back to focusing on my dinner. As, I shovel pasta in my mouth, Hoseok and I hear a knock on my door. Hoseok hops off his chair to answer the door and walks back in, followed by Jungkook and Jimin.

"Hey, Yoongi!" Jungkook says a little too chipper. Jimin waves at me, from behind Jungkook and gives you an all-knowing smirk. I know they're both planning to lead the first conversation they have with me to a particular topic, because I'm pretty sure Jungkook's texted with Sarah since last night.

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