23. Scheduling Time

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It's 8:30pm on a Sunday night. You just made it home from a long day of working. You're next couple of days are going to be strenuous. You have meetings with the record label, accountants, merchandisers, etc. A lot of the meetings are regarding the upcoming tour in parts of Asia and Europe. Then, there's the new album being released late in the beginning of May, where the band will come back to do some promoting on talk shows and such.

Speaking of May, you also have to attend the Billboard Music Awards because a close friend of yours, Pheobe, earned a Best New Artist nomination, and the single that put her on the map is one you helped write. You both met because she's under the same record label as the band. You both ended up really bonding over music and had similar writing styles. She insisted on you accompanying her. And, since the band are excited for you, they made sure you would be able to attend.

So, Monday and Tuesday will be busy with you finalizing schedules, handling meetings and overseeing other business. This means that you will most likely not have time to see Yoongi.

Luckily, you will have Wednesday and Thursday to yourself, since AFI is taking a little personal time off. They're also taking Friday off but you have meetings in the morning that they don't need to be present for. When you think about it, you might be able to make some plans with Yoongi before he leaves, if his schedule permits.

You had texted him earlier letting him know you were driving home from the record company building. He had replied telling you to let him know when you make it home safely. So, now that you're home, you decide to text him and bring up your schedule.

As you're sitting on the couch, going through other messages, you hear footsteps coming down the stairs

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As you're sitting on the couch, going through other messages, you hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Hey, Mel! You're finally home! You must be exhausted!" Your roommate joins you on the couch.

"I certainly am! It's nice to just relax on the couch now!" You sigh out.

"I bet! So, I'm going to just go straight to the topic- how the hell was last night?!"

"Honestly? It went better than I expected. I can say that, for me, it was definitely memorable! Also, the staff took really great care of me. I felt safe the whole time. Didn't bump into any crazy fans!" You answer her and you both giggle at what you said. But, you're both relieved that nothing wild happened, because it is possible, especially if you're involved with an idol.

"I'm glad they take those precautions in order for the guys to be able to enjoy their personal lives how they see fit," she says to you as she moves to lay her head on your lap and holds out her phone to casually scroll through her social media, while you do the same, sitting up.

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