33. Nowhere Near A Fling Now

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Yoongi's 1st Person POV

"I'll call you later, you can count on it, Jagi. Bye!" I tell Melina and end the call.

When I get off the phone with Melina, I realize that Jin was eavesdropping. It's only Jin, Hoseok and myself in this SUV. The other members are in separate vehicles. Hobi's currently taking a nap, and Jin, well, I guess he was listening in on my side of the phone conversation I had with Melina just now.

"Was that Melina?" Jin questions while smirking at me.

"Yes. I just wanted to let her know we landed and that we're heading to the company building," I inform him, not wanting to go into more detail.

"So, you already miss her?" Jin keeps on questioning me.

"What's it to you?" I ask him, not understanding why he's asking me that.

"I just didn't think you'd still be talking to her at this point. I'm remembering the night we first had dinner with her and Sarah- when you and I talked about how you were interested in her. I backed down because clearly you've gotten to know her more. You're lucky I surrendered because, not going to lie, she's gorgeous," he chuckles, "You said you weren't sure about your feelings but assumed you'd only let yourself just have a fling, at best. Honestly, I thought that was what was going to happen. You only ever allow flings when you meet someone, especially overseas, in the past, not that you did it as often as I have."

The only member in this group that is overly promiscuous is Jin. Hoseok and Taehyung have always been the monogamous types, so flings never really interested them. Namjoon, Jimin, Jungkook and I have had our share of dalliances, though, not very many. In our profession, it's definitely risky and we try to be cautious. For the most part, we all make sure the women we involve ourselves with have the understanding that we aren't looking for a commitment, given our hectic schedules, and most of them understand, only wanting a night of pleasure and nothing more. Most of them don't say anything about their involvement with us because they don't have the intention of harming the group with a scandal. So, they keep the encounter they've had with us to themselves.

There has only been one major incident with Jungkook involving a fan, but, that was quickly handled. After that, Jungkook has made sure to tread lightly when it came to being involved with anyone. But, Jin takes the cake for having complications with women almost exposing him. For some reason, it doesn't stop him. Our company has a lot to deal with when it comes to Jin, in that area.

When I talked to Jin the night after we met up with Melina and Sarah for dinner at the Mexican restaurant, I did consider having just a short-lived fling with Melina. And, she seemed like the kind of person who wouldn't try to make a scandal for the group. But, who fucking knew she would win me over beyond just sex?

"Yeah, I didn't think I'd develop more feelings for this woman. I wasn't planning on connecting with anyone at all, let alone someone who's thousands of miles away now. But, Jin, it happened. I haven't fucking felt this way in a long time."

"Not since Hyejin?" Jin asks bringing up the first woman to really, truly break me.

"Yes, but, that's the past. I feel like Hyejin and I are two totally different people now. If I met her now, I feel like we wouldn't have much in common anymore. With Melina- we could talk for hours. We have so many similar interests but then she's also into things I'm not aware of but she makes them sound all so intriguing. It's like she's opening me to new worlds. She's so personable and so easy to talk to. The conversations I have with her are always stimulating and entertaining. She knows how to make me laugh. And, the fact that she's a songwriter and she seems so in love with it. I just can't stop thinking about her.  But, that's just skimming the surface. I could go on and on about her. What the fuck is wrong with me?"

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