30. Committing All Of This To Memory

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*Warning: Mature Content. Please read at your discretion! 🔞



Yoongi's 1st Person POV

Melina is sitting on my lap, sideways, with her left side against me. I have my left hand resting on her lap while my right hand rests on her back. She has a salted caramel macaron in her hand. She carefully breaks it in half and turns to me.

"Do you like caramel, Yoongi?" She asks me in a soft voice.

"Yes, feed me, Jagi," I answer and open my mouth for her to place the baked good in my mouth. As I chew, she hands me the other half and I feed it to her. I just watch her as she chews and swallows the macaron. She licks her fingers clean of any caramel remnants.

I can't help but study every feature of her body and every movement she makes. I'm retaining as much of her into my memory.

I can't believe I'm leaving on Sunday. I thought I would be able to handle this. But, I never thought I'd start feeling so strongly for her.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by her voice.

"Yoongi, your turn to pick a flavor," she says sweetly while her body is momentarily turned towards the table, perusing the macarons. I could also listen to her voice and never be sick of it.

"The mango one sounds good, Jagi."

She breaks the mango macaron in half, and she waves my piece in front of my face.

"You have to kiss me before I give you your half, Yoongi," she teases.

I move her hand that's holding the macaron out of the way, using my left hand. I place a finger under her chin to move her face close to mine and place my lips on hers to give her a soft kiss, but she places her left hand on the back of my head and deepens it. I let our tongues play with each other. I allow myself to savor every moment of this kiss, not wanting to forget the way she tastes.

Eventually, I pull away and and she lets go of my head, placing her hand on my shoulder, and I rest my forehead on hers and smirk at her. "Jagi, I think I earned that half of the macaron," I tell her as I move my eyes over to the macaron she still has in her right hand.

"You sure, did!" She pulls her forehead away from mine and feeds me the mango treat and kisses my nose as I chew. Okay, she drives me nuts when she does cute simple things like that. She turns back around to grab her piece and goes back so we're facing each other and she hands the cookie to me.

"Feed me, Yoongi!" She demands in the most adorable way. She smiles and she opens her mouth, letting her tongue stick out slightly. Seriously- it kills me when she's adorable and playful like this. Can I just take her back home with me?!

I place the macaron in her mouth and wait for her to finish chewing. She has her eyes closed as she eats, as if she's focusing on the flavor. I take that moment to lean in and start giving her little kisses on the side of her neck. As I kiss her I inhale her skin. It's intoxicating. I wish I could bottle up and take her scent with me when I leave.

She pulls herself off of me all of a sudden but I quickly find her right back on top of me, this time she's straddling me. I wrap my arms around her waist as she puts her arms around my neck. She initiates the kiss and it starts off aggressively. Our tongues are down each other's throats and she's grinding her core on me, both of us still unfortunately fully-clothed. It's intense and I'm enjoying every moment. At one point she bites my lower lip causing a painful but pleasurable sensation, and it causes me to slap her ass. She whimpers into my mouth. She pulls away and moves her lips to my ear and grazes my earlobe with her teeth. I groan at the feeling.

Backstage Encounters | MYG X OC ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें