45. And, You Are?

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It's Sunday, and you are all currently in Seoul. It's the very last Muster concert in Korea.

You arrived in Seoul on Monday, the day after the second Muster concert in Busan. Before heading to Yoongi's apartment, you all stopped by the dorm that all the members share. Yoongi gave you a mini tour of the place after he grabbed a few things he needed to take with him to his apartment.

When you and Sarah arrived at his apartment, you were pleased by the way his home is decorated. The apartment looks very modern yet still very cozy. You especially loved his room. You and Yoongi definitely wore out his bed all throughout the week.

He was out a lot for rehearsals except for Tuesday. The men had Tuesday off to unwind. He, along with Jungkook, took you and Sarah out to do some sightseeing and going to places the men love to go to for lunch and dinner. You were grateful to have that free day with them showing you and your best friend around the city they currently call home.

On Wednesday, Yoongi arranged for a driver to take you and Sarah on any sightseeing you both still wanted to do, as well as do some shopping. At the end of your long outing, you met the men at the Olympic Gymnastics Arena where they were working hard with rehearsals. Yoongi wanted you and Sarah to meet there so that you could all head out together to grab dinner.

You were delighted to see Roxy joining you all for dinner that night. Unfortunately, Yoohyeon had to fly out to Italy for a business trip so she could not be part of the fun. That night, you met Hoseok's sister, Dawon, Namjoon's sister, Kyungmin and Jin's brother, Seokjung and his wife. Dawon is as sweet as you expected her to be. You really enjoyed conversing with Kyungmin during dinner. And, you didn't get to speak to Seokjung much, but he definitely has a laugh similar to Jin's!

Thursday was the same as Wednesday in that you had most of the day to do more exploring, then headed to the Muster location to meet up with Yoongi and the rest of the boys. Instead of going out, you all went back to their dorm to order in food and relax until heading back to Yoongi's apartment.

On Friday, Yoongi and the rest of the men had time to take you and Sarah on a tour of the BigHit building in the morning. The last place Yoongi showed you was his studio- the Genius Lab. Sarah saw it, then left with the rest of the boys while Yoongi and you remained because he said there were some recordings he wanted for you to hear.

At first, you thought it was his way of getting you alone so you could do intimate things to each other. Which it was, but he really did have some recordings to share. Not too long ago, you sent him some random lyrics you came up with. You found out from the recordings that he rearranged them a bit to go with a melody that you shared with him the first night you met up with him one-on-one back in March. And, he had Jimin singing the lyrics. You were in awe with what you heard. And, of course you couldn't leave the genius lab without having sex on his studio couch. You're not going to lie- you've fantasized Yoongi having his way with you in his studio. And, it was everything you dreamed of and more.

The second half of the day, you and Sarah accompanied the guys to the Muster location and watched them practice. When they were done. Jungkook asked to ride back to Yoongi's apartment with you, Yoongi and Sarah. Ever since you all arrived in Seoul, Sarah has allowed herself to be friendly with Jungkook. When you arrived at Yoongi's home. Jungkook and Sarah stayed long enough for her to pack some overnight items and they left with the driver to go to the boys' shared dorm.

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