40. Are We Still On the Same Wavelength?

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Yoongi's 1st Person POV

It's been about two and a half weeks since I saw Melina in person, back when we were in Tokyo.

Things have changed.

The day I left Tokyo, the goodbye was even more difficult for both of us. Melina and Gabby accompanied me, Dosan and Joyeong to the airport. Right before the guys and I had to head to the gate, our friends gave us some privacy.

When Melina and I were left alone to say our goodbyes, it crushed my heart when I saw tears fall down her cheeks. That only caused me to make my own eyes water, but I tried to stay strong and held back my tears as much as I possibly could in front of her. She told me how the closer we get, the feelings get stronger, and it's getting harder for her to say goodbye. I couldn't think straight. I just told her I felt the same way, but that even though it's difficult when we part ways, I have the comfort of knowing we'll see each other again. I thought those words seemed to calm her at that moment. We shared a passionate kiss, and then I headed to the gate with the guys.

As I sat in the plane, waiting for it to take off, I started thinking about how I felt like I didn't express myself well enough right before she and I separated in the airport. I was just so choked up seeing her sad. I felt defeated. But, then everything I wanted to say started coming to mind. I wish it all came to me sooner. Throughout the flight, I sent her text messages.

The whole plane ride back was painful. Once the boys and I made it back home, I was still feeling down. Driving home was even more excruciating. I got back to the dorm and felt worse. More hours passed and I was a wreck. Why? The whole time, I kept messaging her, telling her encouraging things, and not once did she message me. I felt like I was being ghosted.

I woke up the following day hoping she'd finally replied, but there were no missed calls or messages from her. Later in the morning, I received a call from Soojin. She wasn't quite the person I wanted to hear from, but I picked up and we made small talk. She asked if we could meet for lunch. I told her I was in the middle of working on something at the company building but that I could briefly meet her for coffee, so we arranged to meet at 2pm at a cafe near the BigHit building. When we met, we sat in a secluded corner. I kept my mask on the whole time, even though people in this area are respectful of my privacy, as well as the privacy of the rest of the members. I just always take extra precaution.

When I initially saw Soojin in the coffee shop, I'll admit, she is gorgeous. She always has been. Honestly, if Melina wasn't in the picture, I might have considered having something with Soojin. Nothing serious, because I know I never connected with her in the past. So, at best, she would end up just as a fling. I'm just being honest.

But, I obviously have no interest in Soojin right now. Even if Melina isn't contacting me, all I can think about is her. What is going on with me?! I haven't felt this way for anyone since Hyejin.

After Soojin and I sat and chatted for a while, catching up on each other's lives and having standard conversation like old friends have, I'm reminded of reasons why I really never was drawn to Soojin and why I never did try anything with her back then. Physical looks aren't enough for me. Talking to her again, now, I was reminded of her haughty, stuck-up personality that turned me off completely when were growing up together. I remember how she would look down on people. We also both have different ways of thinking and we tended to clash with our ideas when we were growing up. We just never meshed well. But, the whole time, I just tried to stay polite and bite my tongue whenever she said something that rubbed me the wrong way.

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