12. A Lot To Think About

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So... you have no idea what just happened tonight.  Well, you did, but you can't believe it.

You kissed Yoongi. You keep asking yourself if it was a dream. But, no, it really happened.

You couldn't deny there was some sexual tension between the two of you. And, you have needs. You surely wanted things to go further. But, as you were kissing him, you had to stop yourself from getting carried away.

You're the type of person to get attached when it's someone who you think is worth your time. And, Yoongi is definitely someone who deserves to occupy all of your time.

You could allow a fling to happen but would you be mentally prepared for it all when he leaves in less than two weeks? Maybe. But, you already feel like you've connected with him after tonight, and you're not sure you can have a short-lived affair without feelings attached. Let's face it, after spending time tonight, you've already developed feelings.

You cannot help but think about your past relationships. You know that those experiences might be one of the reasons why your hesitant about allowing a possible one to come into fruition. And, of course it had to be another musician who lives across the ocean. If you couldn't make it work with traveling musicians who live stateside, then this thing with Yoongi might not seem like a good idea.

But he isn't Kevin. He isn't Parker. And he isn't any of the other men you've been involved with. He's Yoongi. He might be different. You can't compare him to anyone and let these other men make you doubt his potential.

You're just afraid to make yourself vulnerable. You're scared about getting hurt again.

Here you are overthinking again!

You realize it's getting late and you're already in bed. You should sleep. But, Yoongi won't escape your thoughts.

You decide to grab your phone from your nightstand, as it's plugged into your charging chord. You see a bunch of notifications. You mentally note to check most of them tomorrow but wanted to open a couple of them.

You decide to check Jin's messages knowing it had to do with plans for tomorrow. You were right. The text was basically saying how they decided on the Mexican restaurant you suggested. He said Namjoon had already taken it upon himself to make reservations for a private dining area that was available for 8pm. You're kind of glad it's scheduled a little later because that would give you more time to prepare before they pick you and Sarah up.

You quickly text him. First, you apologize for such a late night reply but that you wanted to confirm with him, as soon as possible, that all the plans sound perfect.

And, since Parker sent a bunch of texts, your curiosity causes you to open up his messages. As you started to read them, you receive a couple new text notifications and your face lights up. You're gushing over who just messaged you. You forget about Parker's messages and check these new texts instead.

Melina, just letting you know that I made it back to the hotel. I just want to let you know that I enjoyed spending time with you. I actually listened to some of your songs you helped write on the drive back to the hotel. I have to say I'm impressed. I would like to get together again, besides dinner tomorrow. I know I can find some down time and maybe come over again? Oh, and you still need to play the banjo and the ukulele for me.

Also, I hope me kissing you wasn't out of line. If I'm being honest, I enjoyed it. But, I can respect it if you don't want it to go any further, given the circumstance. Please know that. Anyway, I'll stop dropping you a bunch of messages! See you tomorrow night. And, I hope you sleep well, Melina.

Your heart flutters at the fact that he wants to spend time with you again. And to write music with you, no less! You've dreamed about working with him musically, even if it's for something that'll never be released. You're fine with that. Having a song you wrote with his help would be something you would cherish. You decide to reply to him before you allow yourself to sleep.

I'm glad you made is back safe, Yoongi! I really enjoyed getting to know you more tonight. And, I would be honored to work on something with you even if it's just a song between us. I just love songwriting in general. Anyway, let me know when you're free and we can arrange to meet up again. And, if you really want me to play the banjo and ukulele, I suppose I can for you. 😊

You quickly try to process his other message and you're not sure exactly how to respond to it because you're thinking and feeling so many things about the situation. But you respond to him, wanting to acknowledge what he brought up.

You didn't cross a line, by the way. I wouldnt have kissed you back if I thought you did. And, you're not the only one who enjoyed it. Anyway, looking forward to having dinner with you and the rest of the guys. I hope you sleep well, too!

Oh, I'll definitely sleep well tonight, thanks to you.

You smile at his message and allow sleep to take over you.


Short chapter to get a little bit of Melina's perspective.

🎵Song to check out: "Sidekick" by Man Overboard

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