48. Leaving So Soon

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Melina's 1st Person POV

It's Monday, in the early evening, and I am currently at the airport with Sarah. We will both be boarding the plane soon to fly back home a couple days earlier than we've planned on.

I didn't think the trip would end this way. And, I certainly wasn't planning on leaving this country feeling devastated and conflicted.

Yoongi is still sending me text messages and calling me. I want to hear him out but I'm not sure if I would be able to keep it together, emotionally, if I hear his voice. I don't want to be a bawling mess in the airport.

Sure enough, my phone is buzzing and it's Yoongi, yet again. I have to hand it to him-he's persistent and I figure that if he didn't really care or didn't want to try to mend things between us, he wouldn't call me as frequently as he has been.

I don't know what compels me to pick up, but at the moment, I allow myself to answer the call.


"Melina, I've been so worried about you. Where are you?"

"I'm at the airport."

"We need to talk, Jagi."


"What happened last night... you need to know what you saw isn't what you think."

"I saw Soojin's body pressed up against you and her arms wrapped around you. You were holding onto her hips, Yoongi. It was painful to see."

"I get that. Melina, I was pushing her away. You saw me right at the moment when I was trying to do so. I left you to go to the restroom and also chat with staff. When I was leaving the restroom, she approached me to talk. I was just trying to be nice since she made it all the way out to come to the concert. She's a family friend. I felt obligated to give her a couple minutes of my time. But, then she started telling me that she was developing feelings for me. I had no idea. We never had much in common. I've never felt anything for her. Even when we were friends back then, it was only because of our families being connected. We did meet up a few times for coffee when she'd be in town frequently for business. I even told you about those meetings during our calls. It's not like I kept them from you. You need to know that it was strictly platonic on my side when it came to Soojin. Melina, please believe me."

"Yoongi, what I saw last night broke me. But, now, hearing everything you just said... I don't know what to think. I want to believe you. You've never done anything to lose my trust until now. And, even in this situation, maybe it was all out of your control. Maybe you didn't reciprocate anything with Soojin. But, I keep replaying what I saw in my mind. It freaks me out and makes me think about possibilities such as if or when you do actually find someone desirable and closer to you. Maybe, that might be better for you. I'm terrified of getting my heart crushed again. This might be a lot to share, but, I thought I was in love when I was in past relationships. Actually, I knew I was in love in the past. And, the times that I allowed myself to fall in love, I was betrayed by all those men. And, it was all because of distance and being a part from them for long periods of time. I was willing to make those relationships work, but they couldn't handle it. I don't want to constantly get burned. I don't know. I'm not saying you're like them, but my insecurities are really getting in the way right now. I'm thinking the worst possible things. I just have all these thoughts playing with my head. I feel like I can't think clearly right now. "

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