53. Huge Change

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"We will see you on your first day on February 7th. Welcome to the team, Miss Nam-Reyes!" Your new HR manager tells you on the phone.

"I look forward to it! See you then. And, again, thank you so much for this opportunity!" You say excitedly but still with a professional tone.

You just landed a management position with RCA Records/ Sony Music Entertainment, specifically working closely with Korean idol groups and solo artists. A friend of yours in the industry, Ara, was the one who informed you of the position and you were so grateful to her. RCA was looking for someone who is fluent in both English and Korean, as they are trying to find someone who is willing to travel between the US locations and the location in Seoul frequently. And, after multiple interviews, you landed the job!

Since the artists you'll be paired to work with will be in Seoul a good amount of time, you will be there for business frequently. The company will be providing lodging for you since they always accommodate managers who travel between two major locations. For you, you will find yourself mainly in LA and in Seoul for long periods of times, while visiting other Sony locations, in different cities/countries, for shorter trips.

After you get off the phone, the first person you call is Yoongi. It's a little after 3pm your time, making it around 8am his time, so you might be able to reach him.

"Jagi? Morning! Actually, it's afternoon for you isn't it?"

"Yes, Yoongi. Is right now a good time to talk? I have some news to share."

"If you have news, I have time to hear it, Jagi!"

"So, I just got of the phone with my new HR manager from RCA Records/ Sony Music Entertainment."


"You know how I told you how I was thinking of interviewing for a job?"

"Yes, but you would never give me any details."

"I just didn't want to get my hopes up. Plus, if I did get it, I wanted it to be a surprise. Well, guess what, baby?! I got the position!"

"Congratulations, Jagi! Tell me all about this position!"

"It's a management position for RCA Records/Sony Music, but I'm going to be working specifically with Korean groups and solo artists who are signed with RCA. For now, I'll be working with Ateez! My first day is the 7th of February, just to go through all the training and taking care of paperwork and such. I'll be traveling to Seoul next month. There will be times that I'll be there for a weekend and other times, I'll have to be there for longer periods of time. The company will be providing lodging."

"Jagi, that's fucking amazing! I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks, Yoongi! The salary is insanely amazing, it's a great step up for me. I mean, I'll miss the boys of AFI, but I know they'll be happy for me! And, a huge perk is that there's more opportunity for us to see each other!"

"You have no idea how thrilled I am that you have this opportunity! We'll have to celebrate when you're here, Jagi! The guys will all be excited to hear the great news! Fuck! I'm seriously so happy and excited for you!"

"You're always cheering me on, and it means the world to me, Yoongi!"

"I love you so much, Melina. It's hard not to cheer for you. Everything you do impresses me!"

"Okay, you're being cheesy again! But, that's one of the reasons why I love you, Yoongi! And, everything you do impresses me, too. I'm not saying that just because you're my boyfriend. I'm beyond excited about BTS' new album coming out next Friday! I pre-ordered it but I'm also planning on getting a copy in store!"

"I already have a copy for you, and its signed by everyone! You don't need to buy one, Jagi!"

"Just let me be the proud, supportive girlfriend, okay?!

You both chuckle.

The two of you continue jumping back and forth between the topics of your new job and his upcoming album, as well as other happenings in both your lives. He eventually had to get off the phone to attend a meeting, so you said 'I love you' to each other and ended the call.

You proceeded to call the the members of AFI, the record company and Gabby. As predicted, the band and Gabby were happy for you to have this opportunity, but they were obviously sad to see you part ways with them. You've been AFI's manager for the past 6 years. They're like family to you, so it'll be a major change when you leave them. But, before talking to Gabby, you've discussed with the guys a while back when you were going through the interview process with RCA, that if you were to leave, you think Gabby would be the best replacement for you, and they all agreed one hundred percent!

When you informed Gabby you were leaving and that she will be replacing you as the new manager, she said how she is feeling a mix of sadness, excitement and joy. She said she was sad because it won't be the two of you anymore. You calmed her by telling her that you have a couple weeks to help her look for an assistant. And, even if she can't settle on someone, that she can always come to you for your opinion. You owe it to one of your best friends to make sure she has the perfect assistant.

The next to share this good news with is your family. And, when they all found out, they were beyond excited for this new chapter in your life. Your halmeoni and mom joked about how you owe them big time for forcing you to be fluent in Korean. And, honestly you are beyond grateful that you did learn the language.

The last person you shared the good news with is Sarah, though you planned to tell her over dinner


It's 6:30pm, and you and Sarah chose to go to your favorite Thai restaurant.

"So, you said you have good news?" Sarah asks you from across the table, picking up her water to take a sip.

You proceed to tell her about your new job position. You comfort her by telling her that you'll still live in LA most of the time, so you're still her roommate, but that you'll also be in South Korea for a good portion of the time as well.

She was actually beyond excited that you had this new job that you were more than deserving to have. And, she said she was excited for you to have more opportunity to spend time with Yoongi. You joke around with her and say that she has to visit you once in a while when you have to stay in Seoul for long periods of time.

"Hell yeah, I'll be there!"


This is probably one of my shortest chapters.

Question time!

What's your favorite song off the album 'Map of the Soul: 7'?

🎵Song to check out: "Boss" by NCT U

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