50. Happy Birthday To Melina

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Yoongi's 1st Person POV

Melina's birthday was on Tuesday, the 30th of November. She turned the monumental big 3-0. I wish I was able to be there for the actual day, but at least I'm here in California, now. It's 5:30pm on Friday, and I just made it to the hotel with Joyeong and Jungkook. Joyeong came with me for security reasons but also as a friend, not just to me, but he also considers Melina a friend, as well. Jungkook also decided to travel with me since he loves LA, is supportive of my relationship with Melina and adores her. But, he also has another reason why he wanted to tag along. Does it involve Melina's best friend? Of course.

All of her family and her closest friends are aware that I'm in town to surprise her. Jungkook, Joyeong and I were able to get the next four days to fly to California. I wanted to be able to celebrate her 30th birthday in some kind of way, with her, even if it's belated. I also wish we could stay longer, but unfortunately it'll be a rushed trip since our group's schedule is insanely hectic. It's a miracle we were able to find any time to fly out! I'm just going to do the best I can with the time I have here.

I texted Melina's mom, informing her that we just dropped off our stuff at the hotel and are on our way to her home. She immediately texted back letting us know that Melina and Sarah just arrived about a half hour ago and that a lot of people are already over but still waiting on some more family and friends. She told us to not rush and for us to travel over safely.

All I want is to be beside Melina. I miss the hell out of her.

Instead of her family doing a family gathering on her actual birthday, they suggested to do it tonight, which worked for Melina considering her work schedule. And, it works out for me, because I get to join the celebration with her, her family and friends.

As soon as we pull up and park near Melina's parents' house, I speed walk up the pathway leading to the front door, while Jungkook and Joyeong kept up behind me. I ring the doorbell and am greeted by Jake.

"Hey, guys!" Jake yells enthusiastically and goes in for a brotherly hug with me. He also greets Jungkook and Joyeong with hugs as well. Jungkook has actually gotten close with Jake. They exchanged contact info back in March when they both found out they're obsessed with the same video games and have been playing together online from time to time.

He welcomes us in and leads us to where Melina is, which is in the living room. When we enter the room, Melina's back was turned to us. Sarah definitely spotted us and her eyes widened. She knew I was going to be in town, but she had no clue Jungkook was going to be accompanying me. I assume Melina noticed Sarah's surprised facial expression because she turns around to survey what caused her best friend to make the look on her face that she's currently holding. As soon as Melina sees me, she squeals in excitement.

"YOONGI!" She screams and runs towards me. I already have my arms open for her and as soon as she's in my embrace, I sweep her off her feet and twirl her around. As soon as I place her back on the ground, she cups my face in her hands and places a soft kiss on my lips.

Then she softly slaps me on my shoulder, more like a love tap, "Yoongi! Are you serious?! This is the best surprise ever!" She was sad when she thought I couldn't make it for her birthday but she totally understood our schedules.

"Jagi, you know I would find some kind of way to celebrate with you! We're only here until Monday. We have a flight back to Seoul that morning," I inform her with a smile. I cannot wipe the expression off my face because I can't get over how happy she looks right now. Her happiness is infectious.

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