15. Late Night Calls

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*Warning: Mature Content. Please read at your discretion! 🔞




You hear your phone buzzing. It didn't wake you up since you can't fall asleep. You're currently watching the show 'Sweet Home,' and it's close to 1am. Who could be calling you at this time? Please, don't let it be Parker.

Thankfully, it's Jin. But, why? Did Sarah or you forget something in the car?

You decide to pick up.

"Hi, Jin! You're still up?"

"Yes. I'm sorry to call so late. Did I wake you?"

"No! Actually I couldn't sleep. I'm just watching a show. I'm off tomorrow, so it's okay. What's on your mind, Jin?"



"So, the whole reason Namjoon helped plan this dinner with me was because I'm interested in you. Well...was."


"I wanted to get to know you more after I met you on Sunday."

"Oh, I see."

"But, anyway, during dinner tonight, I noticed something between you and Yoongi. I was also surprised when Sarah mentioned you meeting up with Yoongi the previous night. I was curious if there was something going on between you two. I confronted him about it when we got back to the hotel."

"He did. He asked me if we could meet to talk about songwriting since my colleague mentioned to Yoongi that I wrote songs at the award show."

"I asked if there's anything going on between the two of you but he said he wasn't sure. He said he is interested in you. I'm not sure he'd appreciate me telling you this. He knew I was interested as well and he felt guilty for meeting up with you, without me knowing. But, I hardly know you and it might've been just all physical, on my side, to be honest. If there are mutual feelings between you and Yoongi, I'll respect that."

"This feels weird talking to you about this. But, yes, it's mutual, especially hearing his side from you. But, please don't tell him. I'd rather he learn that from me."

"Oh, I understand. I won't say anything to him. I do apologize if I came on too strong around you during dinner. I admit, I was physically attracted to you. But, from the talk I had with Yoongi, I sense there could be something there. But, I'll leave it at that. He can tell you how he feels."

"No need to apologize, Jin. You didn't make me feel uncomfortable. I appreciate you telling me all of this."

"No problem! I will say- Namjoon was, in a way, my wingman and got your number for me in the first place. Really, Yoongi wouldn't have possession of your number if it wasn't for me. So, in a way, I brought you two closer."

You giggle at what he says. He's just trying to be goofy now, and you appreciate it.

"Kind of exaggerated, isn't it?"

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