Mr.and Mrs.Sinclair too released heavy sighs of relief, because for so many years living with Grandmother's spicy and rude attitude seemed to all be worth the fire breathing dragon ..because now their daughter is marrying a man who will do anything and everything to keep her alive.

Even though the water was pouring from Aurora's shimmering green eyes, she still was so beautiful and alluring that you just wanted time to stand still so you gaze at her beauty.

This vision of beauty is all mine...and think not only she's physically beautiful but her love extends for who I am.

Once her glittering green eyes met mine, she removed her hands from her mouth opening them wide like an airplane as she leaps like a frog embracing me gently to explore her emotions.

Even though her sudden jump caught me by surprise, I quickly react to her movement, opening my arms allowing her body to latch onto mine like a panda bear on bamboo....
Her chest collides with mine as both of her legs where wrapped around my waist with her sunshine hair brushing my pecks....

From her impulse, I release a peaceful smile enjoying her love and admiring her affection.

My arms where doing all the work holding her up tightly both quads securing her so she wouldn't fall.

Aurora is a girl worth fighting for.

Once I sealed her body with my arms, she nuzzled her face in between my neck and collarbone as I could feel her wet tears slide from her cheek onto my tender neck.

My eyes soften as do my arms, realizing the amount of worry and stress she puts on herself though just because she wants to please me is beyond precious.

What more could I want in a woman...she's everything I desire for.

We both held each other in one's arms for a moment enjoying the fact that everyone we love and hold dear accepts our engagement...

Aurora then gently removed herself from me, causing me to gently place her down, but remains so close causing her breast to dive into my upper abdomen.

Seeing her luminous loving smile instantly brought one to my face.

She was more beautiful when she exposed her teeth, which ultimately affected my mood if she was happy.

"I love you.." she whispered with a gentle smile standing on her top toes to place a hand on my cheek. "You are my everything."

My emotions started to warm like a fire, feeling her soft skin press up against mine and not to mention hearing the most beautiful words pass her moving lips.

"As are you, my love." I responded with a smile, placing my hand on top of hers stirring more emotions and passion for this woman.

Once I had finished my sentence Aurora expressed such a joyful smile that you could easily read through her she was at heart happy. Even her beautiful green eyes soften like a cushion affected by my response.

Nothing that surpasses these lips of mine has told nothing but the truth.
The truth about you Aurora....

You have flaws like everyone that was born, but that what makes us so unique...we are capable to love one another even with our downfalls...

A moment later she gently removed her hand from my skin leaving me desperate not only to feel her hand but everything else that is connected to it. Legs, shoulders, waist, torso, chest....every single piece of flesh connected to her beautiful body I wanted it......especially what lies in between her legs.

Aurora then gave her direct attention to Grandma Smith, but before she turned her head I noticed she kept such a radiant smile, not even a thundercloud could ruin her mood.

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