Why do you keep pestering me who just wants to live a peaceful life?

"What, rude?"

"Yes, it's rude."

Evangeline curls her fingers into fists at my cold expression that makes the smile leaves her lips.

"You should pay more attention to your behavior from a few days ago, princess."

She closes her fists even tighter at my reminder.

You're going to make a hole in your palms with that anger of yours.

I tsk, looking at Evangeline.

Even now, as I'm holding back what I wanted to say, my eyes redden with anger.

Her arms and shoulders are shaking softly because of her clenched fist. Although she has a small stature, I can still recognize the Diago likeness in her.

Still, I couldn't let her win when she came at me so energetically.

Did I overdo it?

I want to, but she's still a kid.

Yes, I should take a step back.

"Be careful in the future—"

I'm trying to give her a way out.

"Are you kidding me right now?"

Evangeline interrupts.

Hey—enough. You sure have a talent for pissing people off.

After her interruption, I couldn't let it go after all. I then sigh, and tilt my head.

"Do I look like I'm playing, miss?"

Evangeline then raises her head to my question for omitting her princess title.

"Even if you don't understand the subject at hand, why are you being rude?"

My sister-in-law must be really upset right now.

I notice that my words have gotten stronger than in the last few days.

"You seem to be mistaken something here, ma'am, but there is a difference between your status and mine!"

Yes, I am married, and I'm a wife.

"Shouldn't you call me duchess?"


Evangeline looks at my correction with a feverish expression.

"Your Grace."

On my side, Catherine steps forward in an attempt to mediate this.

"I don't think you're in the right place right now, Catherine."

I raise my hand to stop her.

"It's not your concern"

I then fix my expression.

"You dare to intervene in the conversations of your master?"

"... ... ."

"Do you want to die?"

Then I look harshly at her.

I'm already very angry.

I give her a cold stare, not caring what my face look like. I've said everything that I wanted to say, but in a voice that I didn't realize I have. Perhaps that's why the air surrounding us turn colder, as if there's a veil covering the room.

No one could argue with me because it's true.

This time, no matter how much Evangeline or even a former the duchess want to help, Catherine will not be able to escape unscathed. With only a status of a maid, who is she to interrupt a conversation without her master's permission?

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