True love lasts forever (2)

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I know it's been a while. I'm sorry. Here's part 2 💕

"Can you say Gigi? Say Gigi" the teenager grins.

She sits on the floor, across from her little brother who plays with some blocks. He just turned 1 year old and today is Gianna's 16th birthday. Archie is out, getting some strawberry pie while Veronica prepares everything for Gianna's birthday party.

Gianna moved in with Veronica and Archie just a couple of weeks after they talked in the little cafe. She felt super confident with them from the first second. It was never weird. It was best for her and her mom. She's so much better already, now that she can complete focus on herself. Gianna still visits her all the time though and they even went out to dinner with Archie and Veronica once. It was really hard for Archie. He still hates the woman for taking away his daughter but he did it anyway for Gianna. Veronica was holding his hand the entire time and that was actually the only thing that kept him calm.
Gianna calls Veronica by her name but sometimes, when she's super confident she calls her 'ma'. That's also what she refers to her in front of her friends. That's easier than explaining their relationship and sometimes she simply doesn't want to explain it. Her mom is her mom, her mother and Veronica is Veronica but sometimes she's kind of like a second mom.

"Come on Lukas sweetie, dad and I have a bet ongoing. Please say Gigi, for me. It's my birthday"

The little boy looks up. He stares at his sister and suddenly a wide smile grows on his face.

"Gigi" the teenager repeats "can you say that? Gigi?"

"Gigi" he grins pointing at his sister "Gigi, Gigi, Gigi"

The red headed girl squeals. She pulls Lucas into her arms and kisses his cheek a couple of times before she gets up and runs to Veronica in the kitchen with her brother in her arms.


"Mhm" she smiles and places the knife on the kitchen island before turns to the teenager.

"Lucas said his first word!"

"Oh my god, he did" Veronica now squeals too. She walks closer to the two kids and cups the baby's cheeks.

"What did he say?" she asks before she kisses her sons little forehead.

Gianna turns her head to him "what did you say Lucas? Say it again. Tell mommy what you just said"

"Gi-gi" the little boy giggles. He claps his hands.

The look on his face makes Veronica giggle. "Oh daddy will be really upset that your first word wasn't dada"

"Gigi" the boy says again. He grabs a strand of his sisters red hair and pulls on it.

"Well he's my best friend now" Gianna grins. She squeezes her little brother close and kisses his cheek.

"Don't tell your dad" Veronica giggles. "Gianna honey, do you want some chicken nuggets later?"

"Yes please" she grins

"Okay, great" Veronica turns back to the kitchen island and continues cutting a watermelon.

The teenager grins. She steps a little closer to Veronica and kisses her cheek. "Thank you. I totally get why dad fell in love with you. You're amazing"

"Thanks sweetheart"

"Do you need help with anything?"

"No I'm good. You're helping me most when you keep entertaining Lucas. Thanks though. I'll force your father to help me when he gets home. It's your birthday. You relax"

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