The more the merrier

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Veronica sights. She enjoys the peace and quiet in the morning because it usually doesn't last long. She takes a quick look out of the window before her eyes travel to the sleeping baby next to her.

Her beloved silence is quickly replaced by fighting.

"Sophie, stop it!"

"You started"

"That's not true one of the twins did"

"You're lying"

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are"

Veronica groans and turns to Archie. She lies her head onto his chest while his arms wrap around her.

"We could have stopped at two or three but no. You had to be all cute and flirty and put five children into me"

"You know babe, you can't blame this on me alone"


He chuckles and kisses her head.


Archie and Veronica have been married for 10 years and they've built quiet the family.
They became parents of a little girl when they were only twenty years old. They loved her more than anything else in this world but especially Archie was head over heels into his daughter. With her big brown eyes she could make him do anything. They loved their new life as parents. In fact they loved it so much that two years later Veronica got pregnant again.
A boy this time. He looked exactly like Archie. Light brown eyes, fiery red hair and a smile that made his mom's heart melt.
The next couple of years were great but when Veronica turned 26 she decided she wanted one more kid. Archie always wanted a big family so it didn't take long to convince him. She got pregnant soon after with twins and freaked out slightly:

"Oh Jesus, four kids" she breaths out as she reaches for Archie's hand.

"Don't worry babe, we got this"

"We're 26. Most people our age have one kid or none and we're about to have four"

"Ronnie baby, we have a good income, our house is big enough and you know how much my mom loves to come over to help and then there are your parents and Betty and Jug as well. We're young but we got this. Trust me"

"Okay" she whispers as she leans against his shoulder and squeezes his hand.

"But I swear Andrews if you put another baby into me I'll kill you"

The twins were born shorty after their daughter turned six. A boy and a girl. Life went crazy for the Andrews family from that day. Two toddlers and two babies. Archie's and Veronica's lives where filled with a lot of diapers and sleepless nights but it was all worth it when they all cuddled together or when their older ones each tried to teach one baby how to walk. It definitely never got boring in the Andrews household.
On Archie's 31st birthday Veronica didn't feel good at all. She threw up all the time.

"V maybe you should take a test" Betty suggests as she wipes some puke out off Veronica's face. She leans against the tub with teary eyes and a pale face.

"No need to Betty. I'm not pregnant"

"Honey, I wouldn't be so sure about that"

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