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Archie sits at a restaurant. He's looking at his phone for the 5th time this minute. No call from her, no text, nothing. It's his and Veronica's 10 year anniversary. Since they both had to work they agreed on meeting at the restaurant at 7. Now it's almost 9 and she still isn't there. He called her a couple of times but she didn't pick up. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little box. Inside is a beautiful engagement ring. He runs his fingers over the diamond before he puts the box back into his pocket.
He pays for the wine he already ordered and leaves.

He walks home to their house, which they bought a couple of years ago. It's sweet and little and close to Archie's childhood home. It has a beautiful backyard and though the house is not really big, it has enough space for more than just two people.
He's mad at her for forgetting about their dinner. He planned this day for weeks and now she's probably at home, asleep on the couch instead of being with him. A tear rolls down his cheeks but he wipes it away.

When he wants to open the front door he wonders why it's locked. He pulls out his keys and opens the door. The house is dark and silent.

"Veronica?" he yells.

No answer.

"Ronnie are you home?"

Again no answer.

He runs to their bedroom but it's empty. The whole house is empty. He starts to worry. If she isn't here, where is she? His hands begin to shake and his heart rate increases.

"Ronnie?" he yells one more time even though he knows he won't get an answer. He runs his hand through his hair.

Just in that second his phone rings. He almost has a heart attack but reaches for his phone. It's Hermione.

"Archie?" she says. Her voice sound weak.

"Mrs. Lodge. What happened. Where's Veronica?"

"She had an accident Archie. She's in the hospital. Please come".

He drops his phone and runs to his car.
He passes a couple of red lights and drives way too fast but he doesn't care. He wants to see his girlfriend.

When he arrives, Hermione is already waiting for him.

"What happened?"

"She was on her way to your date but a car hit her Archie. The man was drunk and didn't see her. The police already caught him, he will pay. Please don't think about him right now. Think about Veronica. She needs you".

Archie nods and feels more tears steaming down his cheeks. He lost his dad to an incident like that. He can't lose her too and not the same way. He has so much planned for them. He can't imagine not being able to do all those things.

He follows Hermione into Veronica's room and his heart breaks when he sees her. She looks weak and tired. There are bruises and cuts all over her body. He hates himself for being mad at her. Why didn't he think of something like that.

"Ronnie" he cries out and rushes next to her.

He carefully takes her hand and kisses it. How badly he wants to hug her and kiss her face but he can't. She's so fragile and he doesn't want to hurt her.

"Archiekins" she whispers.

She tries to move her hand to his face but he stops her. He shakes his head and kisses her hand one more time. He slowly runs his fingers over her knuckles. Tears dripping down from the tip of his nose. What would he give to trade places with her.

"I'm sorry I didn't come" she whispers. Her voice is so quiet that she can hardly hear herself. Her eyes are almost shut.

"Shh Ronnie. Don't be sorry. It's not your fault"

He runs his hand carefully over her cheek but it's barely touching her face.

"It's my fault. I should've picked you up. It's my job to protect you and I failed".

"Don't say that"

He can feel how the grip on his hand loosens.

A doctor walks in. He looks concerned. "Mr. Andrews can I talk to you for a minute".

Archie nods and walks outside. He feels uncomfortable leaving her alone. Every other second he looks to his girlfriend.

"Mr. Andrews we're trying our best to save her life but we can't promise anything. Her injuries are really bad. It killed the fetus inside of her. There was no way we could have saved its life. I'm sorry for your loss".

Archie raises an eyebrow. "What are you talking about"

"Ms. Lodge was pregnant. Didn't you know?"

He shakes his head.

"I'm sorry Sir. You can go back to her".

He walks back into her room. New tears streaming down his face. He sits back down next to her but this time he places his hands on her stomach. He carefully rubs it. Veronica lifts her hands and places them on Archie's.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he breaths out. He looks up to her and a tears rolls down her cheek.

"I wanted to surprise you, today. I only found out a couple of days ago. Do you know how hard it was to keep that from you?"

He chuckles and shakes his head.

"I love you Ronnie"

"I love you too" she smiles and her eyes fall shut.

Archie takes her hand back into his and he runs his finger over her knuckles again. He pulls the ring out of his pocket and smiles at the the sight of it.

"I promise Ronnie, as soon as we get out of here I'll make you mine, forever"

But he never gets to do that. A couple of minutes later her heart stops beating. He cries and screams not wanting to let go of her hand as his mother tries to get him out of the room.

The rapidly sits up in the bed. Sweat is dripping down his face. His whole body is shaking.


He turns to see Veronica next to him. He pulls her up and into his lap. His arms wrap around her tightly and tears form in his eyes.
She tilts her head and presses multiple kisses to his cheek.

"I thought I lost you" he whispers.

"It's okay Archiekins. It was just a dream. I'm right here" She wraps her arms around his neck and continues to press kisses to his cheek.

He takes her left hand and runs his fingers over the diamond ring. It's bigger and even more beautiful than the one in his dream. He lifts her hand and places a kiss onto it which makes her giggle.

"You okay?" she asks softly as she snuggles into his chest.

He nods and moves his hand to her stomach. She places hers on top.

"We are too"

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