Broken hearts

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She slams the door shut, throwing her jacket and purse on the floor.

"Honey what's wrong?" Veronica asks as her daughter walks past the couch which she and her husband are sitting on.

"I don't wanna talk about it"

She runs upstairs to her room. Another door slammed close, waking up the baby in Veronica's arms.

"I got it" Archie whispers.

He kisses his wife's head and his sons before he goes upstairs.

He can hear crying and his heart breaks at the sound of it.

He slowly opens the door to his daughter's bedroom.
Her face is buried in a pile of pillows. Blankets are over her body. The only thing sticking out to the daylight is a strand of red curly hair.

"Sweetie what happened" he asks as he sits down on the bed. He runs his fingers through her hair.

She doesn't answer. The only noise leaving her mouth are quiet whimpers.

"Please talk to me"

She sits up and snuggles into her father's side. His arms wrap around her and he rocks her slowly so she would stop crying.

"He cheated on me, dad" she whispers.
"I wanted to surprise him at work and when I arrived he had his tongue down some other girl's throat".

Her whimpers turn back to heartbreaking sobs. Archie feels how his shirt damps from the tears dripping on it.
He pulls her on his lap and holds her close. He kisses the top of her head while he tries to cool down the anger inside him.
As soon as he gets that boy into his hands, he will make sure he regrets ever looking at his daughter.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry. He's an idiot. You deserve so much better than him"

"You never liked him dad, not even Freddie did and he still has a hard time telling Mama and Dada apart"

"You know what they say, dogs and kids are the best judges of character"

"No one says that" she giggles as she wipes away some of her tears.

"You're only 16 years old honey. You'll find someone who will treat you right".

"When? You and mom started dating when you were my age and now you're married and have me and Freddie".

He chuckles and presses a kisses to her forehead.

"I can tell you our relationship wasn't always rainbows and butterflies. We broke up not only ones but twice. We dated other people but I knew that your mom was the only one for me so I got her back".

He hides the fact that he cheated on Veronica once as well. He hates himself for it. It was the biggest mistake he ever made and it took him a lot of work and love until she forgave him and years until she was able to fully trust him again.

"You're not helping dad"

"I'm sorry sweetheart. What I'm trying to say is that you will find someone. Boyfriends come an go but you will know when you find the one. You're still young".

"When will it stop hurting?"

"It's gonna take awhile but I promise you will get better"

Her grip around him tightens and tears run down her cheeks again. He places his head on hers while his thumb slowly caresses her cheek. It hurts him to see his little girl cry, especially when a boy is the reason for her sadness.
It flashes a broken Veronica into his mind and regrets his mistake even more now that he sees his little girl so hurt.
When he was her age he hated Hiram Lodge for keeping him away from Veronica but the older his daughter gets the better he understands his actions.

"What about we all go to Pop's huh? You and me and mom and Freddie"

"I'm not really in the mood"

"Do you want me to bring you ice cream?"

She looks up to him. Her deep drown eyes meeting his. Her eyes look exactly like Veronica's and he would do anything for them.

"Chocolate please"

He chuckles "You're just like your mother"

"Dad can I ask you another question?"


"I know this is really random but did you and mom ever regret becoming parents so early? Did you ever wish I wasn't born? I mean you were only 18".

"God, no honey. What makes you think that? Yes we were young and we had to stay home to take care of you instead of going out with our friends but we loved it and didn't regret it once. There was nothing better in the world for me than you and your mother in my arms. You were my pride and joy, you still are. Which not mean you should get pregnant young. Please don't".

His daughter was one of the main reasons why Veronica gave him another chance.
Shortly after they broke up she found out about the baby growing inside her. She told Archie not only because he had a right to know but also because she wanted her child to grow up with a family other than she and Archie.
He was over the moon excited and as much as she wanted to deny it she fell for him again when she saw the joy in eyes. He had to put some effort into the relationship though before she took him back.

"Don't worry dad" she giggles as she leans her head against his chest.
"I wanna enjoy my twenties before I change diapers. I'm smarter than you and mom".

"I'll let this go because you're sad"

Then there's silence for a few minutes. Archie holds his daughter close. He swore he would protect her from anything even though he knew he can't do that. Heartbreak is awful and it's gonna take some time but she'll be fine. He will make sure she knows her worth. She doesn't need men in her life besides him and her brother. He'd prefer if there would never be another boy in her life and she could stay his little girl forever but he knows that's not how it works.

"Uhm if you don't mind, I'd like to be alone now"

Archie kisses her head one more time before he lifts her back onto the bed. He gets up and walks towards the door to get her ice cream.




"Of course honey. If you need anything mom and I are downstairs. We love you".

"I love you too"

As the door closes she falls back into her pile of pillows. Tears are still running down her cheeks but there's a lot less pain in her heart.

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