The call

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Thank you for the suggestion Lovimilian ❤️

"Ugh, you're so annoying Archie" Veronica groans as she spins around on her heels and walks away from him. She doesn't know why but everything Archie does today, drives her crazy. His loud chewing and breathing, the standing around in the room and always being in her way. They both took a day off of work to clean the house and the yard, put all the winter stuff away and get ready for summer. Coats, hats, boots and hoodies are replaced by jeans jackets, sneakers and tshirt. Archie cleaned the pool all morning because he promised his daughter that she could go swimming after school.
It already started this morning. Veronica always dresses her five year old daughter Riley for school but today they were running late and she asked Archie to help while she got ready herself. The little girl's shirt and pans did not match at all. So instead of eating breakfast she changed her daughter into something that was school appropriate to her.

"What did I even do baby?"

"The fact that you don't even know" she groans.

"Can you just tell me?"

"Your coffee mug Archie! You left it on the counter instead of putting it in the dishwasher. You know how much I hate when you leave your stuff everywhere. It's not that hard. It was so close to the edge that I kicked it off with my elbows and had to clean it up"

"I'm sorry Ronnie. Next time just tell me then I'll clean it" he says as he walks closer to her again.

"No you don't do it right and you were outside anyway"

"Oh I'm sorry I was cleaning the pool for us and our daughter"

"Keep Riley out of this"

"Come on Ronnie. What's going on with you? Are you on your—"

"Don't finish that!" she hisses "and no! You're just annoying! You drive me crazy Andrews!"

"Isn't that my job as your husband Mrs. Andrews?" Archie asks with a slight smirk on his lips. He hates when Veronica is upset. He wants his happy, cute wifey and not 'complain about everything Veronica'

Veronica rolls her eyes and was about to go away again but this time Archie grabs her wrist and pulls her a little closer.

"Let me go!"

"Are you serious right now? You're my wife. I would never hurt you and you know that. I just want to talk, like grownups and not walk away like kids"

"Shut up please! I need a break! And yes you are my husband and that's why you should accept when I say I don't want you to touch me right now"

Archie groans but let's go of Veronica's wrist. "Can you please tell me what's going on with you love? You're different"

"I'm not. Like I said you're just annoying today. Can you make yourself useful at least and help we with carrying all the stuff in the basement?"

"Oh so I'm good enough for that?"

Veronica scoffs "forget it I'll do it" She pushes Archie away and then storms past him to the living room where she keeps a bunch of boxes full of clothes.

"Veronica!" Archie groans "I was kidding. Let me help you"


"I'll help you"

"I said no! I can do it. I don't need you!"

"Oh you don't? Then hand me that blender on top of the shelf that you use all the time but still refuses to move to a place where you can reach it too"

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