Little Varchie (2)

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My friend cookietruffles had this awesome idea for part 2 so there it is!!

After that kiss, the two spent a lot of time together after school. They became the closest friends. They were way too young to understand the feeling they were feeling and you probably couldn't call it love either. They were only eight. But especially Archie knew from the beginning that he wants to keep his Ronnie is his life forever but life doesn't always work out the way you want. Years went by and little Veronica and Archie turned into teenagers. When they left elementary school they went to different middle schools, high schools and colleges. He hasn't seen Veronica in years but he still thinks about her all the time. She was his first crush. The first girl he ever liked. Sometimes he wonders what life would look like with her.
He fell in love with a different woman but it didn't last. The daughter they have together lives with Archie. Her mom is traveling a lot for business so she only sees her every other weekend or sometimes even only once a month. Archie loves his little girl more than anything else in this world. She's his tiny best friend. He knows she has to grow up and sometimes he likes that thought because the bigger she gets, the more stuff they can do but sometimes he wishes his little girl could stay little forever.

"Have a great day honey" Archie shouts out of the car as he watches is 8 year old daughter Ava walk into her school.

"Thanks daddy. I love you!"

"I love you too" he smiles.


"Henry are you ready love? We need to go!" Veronica shouts upstairs while she bounces her little six months old daughter up and down in her arms.

"Yes mommy! Coming" her son answers as he runs to her. He almost trips over the toys he left in the living room. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!" he giggles and slip into his shoes. "Today, mommy, we are finally going to find out what our science project is going to be and who we are working with!"

"Exciting" she smirks "when I was your age, I worked on my first science project too"

"Cool" Henry says but is already out of the door and on the way to the elevators.

Veronica moved back to Riverdale with her kids a few months ago after she broke up with the father of her children. He didn't show any interest in them and didn't seem too upset when she told him they are moving away. The last time he saw his kids was 3 months ago. Their daughter Rosie is only 6 months old so she does perfectly fine without her dad but eight year old Henry is really upset sometimes. It breaks Veronica's heart when she sees her son cry. She tries to be strong but when her kids are in bed, she cries too but she knows she and her kids deserve better. It hurts now but it's going to be worth it one day.

"Your brother has too much energy" Veronica giggles. She kisses the top of her baby's head before she follows her son.

~the next day~

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" Henry giggles as he runs to his mom with his arms wide open. Veronica stands next to her car with her sleeping daughter inside. She opens her arms too and squeezes Henry close. "I missed you too baby"

"Can we go to Ava's house?"

"Ava? Who is Ava?"

"She's my new friend" Henry says as he takes his backpack off and hands it to Veronica. "We have to work on the project together. She's cool mom! She asked her daddy yesterday if I could come over today and he said yes!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes mommy please drive me! Please! Please! Please!"

"What right now?" Veronica asks with her eyebrows raised.

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