mom struggles

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Veronica paces up and down the living room with her 7 months old daughter in front of her chest in her baby carrier. The little girl hardly slept at night. She has been crying and whining all day. Veronica is 23. She found out she was pregnant a few days before she graduated college. So instead of staring to work right away she did a couple of paid internships to earn money. Her parents are supporting her too.
Archie started work right after college. Even though he appreciates Hermione's and Hiram's help he wants to be able to provide for his family. Their daughter Melody was not really planned but they knew right from the beginning they wanted to keep her and they never regretted that. Melody changed their lives for the better. They don't live a life like most people in their 20s but they love their lives. As much as Veronica loves it though, she's desperate right now. She doesn't know what to do to make her daughter feel better. She called her mom but she couldn't help. Neither could Mary. Non of her friends have kids yet. Tears of exhaustion run down Veronica's face.

"My little girly. What can mommy do? Why won't you just take a nap. That would be good for both of us"

Instead of calming down, her daughter cries even more.

"Should we call daddy?" Veronica asks more or less herself. "I think we should. You seem like you could use some daddy love. I know I need him"

So Veronica pulls her phone out of her pocket. She wipes her tears away before she presses his contact.
It only takes him a few seconds to answer.

"Hi babe" Archie says happily. Veronica can practically hear the smile on his face.

"Archie? Can you come home?" she says. Her voice is shaking. Tears are rolling down her cheeks again.

"Baby what's wrong?"

Veronica can't keep herself from crying any longer. She bursts into tears. "Melody has been crying all day. I put her in the baby carrier because that's the only thing that keeps her somewhat calm. She's whining. She has a fever, she won't eat. I didn't get anything done but I can't sit down either because she will start to cry. I couldn't even take a shower today Archie" she sobs "I'm tired and exhausted and I don't know what to do. I called my mom and your mom but neither could help me. I think we need to take her to the doctor's. Come home please. I need you"

"I'm on my way love. I'll be home in 10 and then we can go right way. Take a deep breath. She'll be okay and you'll be too"
Archie says trying his best to calm his girlfriend.

"Okay. I love you"

"I love too Ronnie"

Veronica takes a deep breath as she puts her phone back into her pocket. She lets her tears run down her cheeks as she carefully caresses her daughter's head. "Oh amor, I wish you could tell me what's wrong. Mommy doesn't know how to help you"

Veronica keeps waking around the house. She doesn't know what else to do anymore. Quietly she hums. Usually Melody always calms down when Veronica sings but not today. She takes the little girl out of the baby carrier and holds her closer to her chest, hoping that would calm her down.

Just in that moment Archie comes home.
As soon as he sets foot in the house, he can hear his daughter's screams and how desperately Veronica tries to calm her down.

"I'm home babe!" Archie yells "are you ready?"

Veronica doesn't answer. Instead she comes to the door and falls into his arms. Their daughter is between their bodies.
"It's okay Ronnie" Archie whispers. "It'll be okay"
He puts his hands on her waist and turns her around so she can lean against him and he can look at his daughter who is still in front of Veronica's chest. The little girl's face is red. He doesn't know if that's from the fever or all the crying. Probably both.

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