Another Andrews

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Veronica is wide awake. She looks outside the window and sees the sun rise. Her head rests on Archie's chest and her fingers slowly run up and down his arm.
She's so excited. They are going to adopt a little girl today. Not because they can't have kids, in fact they already have one but they want to give a child without a family the love and attention it needs.

She feels Archie shift under her and then a kiss to the top of her head.

"Up already love?"

"I can't sleep. Can you imagine that in a couple of hours we're gonna be a family of four?" she asks and tilts her head to look up to him. He runs his hand through her hair while he shakes his head.

"It's crazy. We're going to have two babies" he whispers and kisses her forehead.
"We're going to have more though, right?

"Maybe" she grins.

Their bedroom door opens and a mini version of Veronica walks in. The little girl rubs the sleep out of her deep brown eyes and the raven locks out of her face.

"Look another Andrews is awake" Archie chuckles.

His daughter throws her little pink blanket onto her parents' bed before she climbs up herself and snuggles into her father's side. Just like Veronica, she lies her head onto Archie chest.

"Good morning Maddie" Veronica giggles and kisses her daughter's forehead.

"Morning mommy"

"Are you excited honey?"

"Mhm. When will she be here?"

"In a few hours. It's still really early. Why don't you close your eyes for another minute"

The girl nods and falls back asleep almost immediately. She never met the girl who's going to be her sister before. Only Archie and Veronica spent some time with her.
The little girl's name is Celina. She has light brown hair and deep green eyes. Her parents are from Puerto Rico but moved to Riverdale when their daughter was born. They died in a car crash when she was a only a year old. Now she's three and just one year younger than Maddie. There is no family who could've taken care of her so she spent the last two years in an orphanage.

Veronica kisses her daughter's forehead again before she crawls out of the bed.

"Where are you going baby?" Archie whispers.

"I have to clean the house"


"Everything has to be perfect. You stay here. Don't move and let our daughter sleep"

"Okay, but Ronnie-" he holds his hand out to her. She takes it and sits back down on the bed.
His thumb runs over her knuckles while he smiles tiredly.

"Don't stress too much baby. Everything's fine"

She nods and leans down to kiss him softly.

"I love you" she whispers against his lips before she gets up and leaves the bedroom.

"And daddy loves mommy too" he chuckles.

He wraps the little pink blanket tightly around his daughter. His hand rests on her back and he kisses the top of her head before he closes his eyes and falls back asleep as well.


For about the hundredth time Veronica rearranges the family pictures on the shelf in the living room.
She bites the inside of her lip and takes a step back to take a look at her work. Just as she wanted to rearrange them again she feels a pair of hands on her waist, pulling her into a chest.

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