Long term visitor

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*I really don't know about this 😂*

Veronica and Archie lie cuddled up on the couch. His arms are tightly around her body and his head rests on hers.

"You know what?" he asks


"My fiancé is the most beautiful woman in the world and I love her very much"

"Oh Archiekins, I love you too"

They met in college and fell in love almost immediately. Her dark raven curls, her chocolate brown eyes and her smile made Archie weak in his knees. There was and still is nothing he wouldn't do for her.
Archie knew from the beginning that she was the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with and that's why he asked her on the day they graduated if she wanted to marry him.
People called them crazy. Called them to young to know about forever but they didn't care. They knew it was perfect and meant to be and here they are, a year later and still as deeply in love as on the first day. They just finished planning the wedding which will be this summer.

He squeezes her body closer to his, leans his head to her neck and stares to brush his lips over her skin. She giggles and tries to push his face away.

"I'm ticklish Archie"

"I know" he whispers and keeps kissing her when he is suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door.

Veronica looks over to where the sound came from. She grabs Archie's hand to free herself from his grip to get up but he pulls her back down.

"Noo Ronnie, let's pretend no one is here"

It knocks again. A little louder this time.

"We can't do that"

She gets up and walks to the front door. When she opens it a young woman, probably her age, stands in front of her. She's never seen her before. Her eyes travel to a little boy standing next to her. He's maybe about four or five years old. He has light brown eyes and dark brown hair. In his hand he holds a little car.

"Can I help you two?" she asks with a friendly smile on her face.

"Well actually yes. Is Archie Andrews living here?"

Veronica frowns but nods. She turns her head slowly into Archie's direction who's still lying on the couch.

"Archiekins could you come here real quick?"

He jumps up and walks towards his fiancé and the the two strangers. One of his hands is in his pocket and the other one wraps around Veronica.

"Can I help- Jane?" he asks confused.

"You know each other?"

"Yeah, we went to high school together"

"Oh" Veronica response and crosses her arms in front of her chest. She can't really tell if she's jealous or not but she definitely doesn't like the way this woman looks at her man.
Archie notices how Veronica's muscles tense. He pulls her closer into his side and kisses her head before his eyes travel back to his high school friend.

"How can we help you two?"

"Can we come in first?"


Archie and Veronica step to the side so the woman and the little boy can walk into their house. Veronica's eyes travel back to the boy. He's adorable. She especially loves his eyes. She can't wait to be a mom one day.

"Finn honey can you go over there and play with your toys please"

"Okay mommy" the little boy grins and walks into the living room. He sits down on the floor and starts to play with his little red car.
Veronica smiles at the sight. She doesn't know why but that little kid looks so familiar to her.

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