A broken heart waiting to be fixed

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Just a few weeks ago, Archie's entire world changed. One phone call changed his life. His father, his best friend passed away. His mom moved back to Riverdale and as much as he loves her, the only person he really needed was Veronica. She hasn't slept at home since it happened. Hiram doesn't care as long as her grades stay good and her mom understands Archie's pain. She understands her daughter wants to be with her boyfriend.
Archie used to cry himself to sleep every single night. Veronica cuddled him or played with his hair or ran her fingers up and down his back. Whatever she thought would help him. It got better. He doesn't cry anymore. Veronica even made him laugh last week. It was an amazing feeling. She misses his wide smile and heartwarming laugh. She knows it's going to take a lot of time until he's the old Archie again. Sometimes she thinks he's never going to be 100% the old Archie again.
Last week Veronica noticed another change in his behavior. He got really overprotective of her. He was always protective but it is different. He won't let her out of his sight. He does everything for her. Veronica assumes it's just his way of coping with his loss. It's giving him some kind of control and distraction.

She looks over to him. Her hand is in his, their fingers intertwined. They are on their daily evening walk. It started as a way to get Archie out of the house for at least a little bit but now almost turned into a before bedtime tradition. It helps Archie. He can clear his head. Sometimes it's completely silent between him and Veronica and sometimes they talk but he always holds her hand. It's a beautiful September night. It is not extremely hot anymore but not cold either yet. Except for tonight. It's chilly. Archie told Veronica to bring a jacket but she knew better.

Archie looks over to Veronica. Her beautiful face makes him smile and keeps him calm. He sees her shivering and he can feel it too.

"Are you cold Ronnie?"

"A little but we're almost home. I'll be fine"

Archie shakes his head. He takes off his thin summer jacket and places it over Veronica shoulders.

Veronica giggles. "Thanks Archiekins. You didn't have to. I love you"

"I love you more Ronnie. Now and forever"

Archie is still holding on to her hand when they walk back into his house. He won't let go until they are in his room. Even while walking up the stairs he holds her hand. He walks right behind her so he could catch her if she fell. Veronica knows what he's doing. He didn't let her walk up or down the stairs by herself once since last week.

"I need to use the bathroom" she says as they finally reach his room. Archie has his bathroom connected to his room. He smiles as she spins around. She doesn't make it very far though because right in the door frame is a little spiderweb with its owner.

"Ewww spider!!" Veronica squeals and runs back to Archie with her arms wrapped around herself.

"I got it babe. Stay right here"

Veronica looks up. The small smile on her face turns into a giggle. "Stay here? It's just a little spider. I mean yes I want you to get rid of it but it won't kill me"

"What if it is a black widow or something Ronnie. Stay right here"

"Archie, amor, why are you so extremely overprotective all of the sudden?"

"I'm not"

"Yes you are. I love you but you won't let be go anywhere without you"

"Because I need to protect you Ronnie! I can't lose you too! You're everything I have left. I will do anything to keep you safe and I'm so sure I will be so fucking annoying at some point but I just need to protect you"

"Archie" Veronica whispers. Her heart breaks when she sees the tears in Archie's eyes. She cups his cheeks and rubs her thumbs over his skin. "I love you" she smiles "I get that you miss your dad but there's nothing you could have done and I'm okay, I'm fine. Don't worry"

"My dad was fine too until he one day just didn't come home anymore!"

"Oh Archiekins" Veronica sighs. She wraps her arms tightly around him and leans her head against his chest. His heart is beating so fast and his body is shaking. "We'll be fine" Veronica says calmly. It's only been a few weeks since Fred died and she knows that Archie will need a not of time to cope with this. It's hard but she's ready to be by his side every step of the way.

"I need to keep you safe" he cries.

"Shhh Archiekins. I'll be fine, okay? You need time to let out your sadness and heal and I'm here for you. I know the world seems dark right now but it will be beautiful again, I promise"

"I'm so scared"

"It's okay Archiekins. I'm here for you. It's okay to be scared. All you have to do is trust me enough to tell me so I can try to help you"

"Okay" Archie whispers.

"Archiekins what if we go to my parents cabin for just a few days? I think it would be good for you to go somewhere else. We can go swimming in the lake, or relax in the hot tub, we can have movie nights. We can cook together or get takeout. You need a little bit of distraction"

"I think that sounds good Ronnie. I just need you with me"

"I'm here Archie" she says as she squeezes him closer. "I won't ever leave your side"

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