A day in the life of Freddie

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In honor of the little mini Kj who was born a few days ago I post this one shot now. It's been in my drafts for a while but I feel like now is the perfect time to post it💙

cookietruffles and I had this idea. We think it's super cute to write a one shot from Freddie's point of view

The first thing I do when I wake up is look outside. The sun is rising already. The sky looks really pretty. It's pink and orange and red. I look outside for a while but then realized I'm alone in my room. I look around which was a big mistake because suddenly everything seems so scary.
I grab Mr. Teddy, my favorite teddy bear and hold it close to my chest before I get out of my bed. It's still a little dark in the hall. I'm scared of the dark. At least when I'm alone. I'm not scared when I'm with my mommy or my daddy. I slowly push the door of my room open. My parents' bedroom is downstairs so I quickly run down the stairs even though I'm not allowed to run downstairs or upstairs. My mommy always gets upset when I do it but I'm a big boy, I am three and a half years old. I can do this.
My mommy and daddy never close their bedroom door all the way so I just have to push it open. They're both still asleep. My mommy always has her head on daddy's chest when she sleeps. I don't know why she never uses her pillow.
The bed is so high that for a long time I couldn't climb in by myself. I always needed help and that annoyed me so much. So my daddy built a little stool which now always stands next to the bed so I can climb in easily. Sometimes though I wake up my daddy and he lifts me onto the bed.

"Daddy?" I whispers quietly while I pull on his hand. I want to cuddle with him but I don't want to wake up mommy. "Daddy" I say again but a little louder this time. Finally he moves. His eyes open slowly. I don't know why but he and mommy always smile when they see me.

"Good morning buddy" he says

I smile excitedly. I just want to cuddle with him and tell him about the funny dream I had.

"Get in here" he chuckles quietly and points to the end of the bed where the little stool is. One of his arms is around mommy's waist. His fingers slowly run up and down her side. He does that all the time. My mommy likes that. I don't. I'm ticklish.
I hand daddy my teddy bear before I quickly climb into the bed. I still don't like darkness. I crawl under the covers and snuggle into his side. His arm wraps around me and make me feel safe. I'm not scared of anything when I'm with him. My hand lies on mommy's. I like to run my fingers over the ring daddy gave her. I think he did. That's what he told me. She has it for as long as I can think. Daddy said he gave it to mommy before I was born and he promised to love her forever. I don't understand why he shouldn't love my mommy. Aren't mommies and daddies together forever?
The ring is really pretty and feels funny against my skin. That's why I like to touch it. Mommy doesn't mind as long as I don't pull it off her finger. I did that once and she got scared that I may lose it so I gave it back. I wouldn't have lost it though. I know it's important to her. I can be careful with things if I want to.

"Are you excited for the game later bud?" daddy asks and begins to run his fingers through my hair. I like when he does that but I like it even more when mommy does it. Her fingernails are longer.

"Yeah" I giggle. "You're the best football coach in the world daddy. The bulldogs will win!"

"They are pretty good but they need your support Freddie. You're our lucky charm"

I giggle. That word sounds so funny. I turn around so that I now lie on my tummy. I reach my hand out and run my fingers over his cheek and chin. His skin feels so weird in the morning. Most mornings he shaves but sometimes mommy likes when he has a beard. Then he doesn't shave. Daddy always does what mommy says.
He says he does it to make her happy. I think mommy is always happy when daddy is with her. Sometimes they fight but daddy always says all parents fight. Usually they apologize quickly and then they kiss and cuddle and everything is fine.

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