Little Varchie

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Little Veronica, 8 years old, sits next to her best friend Betty. They giggle and draw little flowers on a piece of paper with their pencils. Archie sits on the table next to the girls. He has his head in his hands and stares at the girl with the beautiful, soft raven hair.
A hand in front of his eyes brings him back to reality.

"Stop staring at her Arch" Jughead groans. "Why do you even like her? She's a girl! Girls are so boring. Boys are cool"

"I don't like her" Archie quickly defends himself. "Well not like that. We're friends"

"Mhm" Jughead giggles. "Why do you look at her all the time then"

"Shhh" Archie says and presses his hand against his friends mouth. "Not so loud. What if she hears you? Or Reggie. You know he likes her too. He always tries to impress her and make me look bad"

"I thought you didn't like her" Jughead smirk. "And Reggie isn't even here yet"
Archie rolls his eyes and places his head back in his hands.

Just in that moment, Reggie walks into the classroom with a really cool looking new leather jacket and a chocolate bar in his hands. He walks straight to Veronica and Betty.
"Good morning V. This is for you" he says and places the chocolate on the table. "I bought it with my own money. Sorry Betty I don't have anything for you. Maybe V shares"

"Thank you Reginald. That's really sweet"

Reggie blushes and quickly walks to his seat. Archie has his hands into fists. He sits straight and was just about to get up, walk to Reggie and ask him why he gave Veronica chocolate, his Veronica but then he realizes he's way too shy for that. He would embarrass himself in front of the entire class, including Veronica. So he just leans back and suffers in silence. 'That's really sweet' she said. Reggie is not sweet. He's mean and just wants Veronica to like him because she's the prettiest girl in school. At least Archie think that way. Reggie could never be nice to her for long. Archie knows her favorite chocolate and her favorite song. He knows her favorite dress, her favorite meal and her favorite movie. He knows everything because he remembers everything she ever told him.

His train of thought is interrupted when Mrs. Davis walks in. She's Archie's favorite teacher. She's nice and not so strict like the other teachers.

"Sit down kids and be quiet please. I have some news" she waits a few seconds before she continues. "I know there is not really science in third grade but we have a really special project this year. You all will do a scientific project. This is the last thing we do before summer break start next week. This is a group project"
Mrs. Davis is interrupted by a group of screaming girls who all excitedly grab the hand from their friends who sits right next to them.

"No no" Mrs. Davis giggles and shakes her head. "I already made the teams and I also already have a project for each team. It's a little easier then. Your parents can help you but I don't want them to do it for you. Be quiet and listen. I only read out the groups once! Go to your partner so I can tell you what you have to do"

Archie's heart beats fast. There is a little possibility he's in a team with Veronica. He doesn't expect it, he's fine with working with anyone, even Reggie somehow, as long as he doesn't work with Veronica but he hopes he can spend some extra time with the pretty raven haired girl.

"Sophie, you'll work with Josh. Josie, you'll work with Kevin. Jughead and Betty. Cheryl with Toni. Reggie you'll work with... Valerie. Archie you're partner is Veronica"

His heart stops for a second and this face turns red. He doesn't even have time to think before Betty stands next to him. "Let's switch so I can sit next to Jug and you next to V"

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