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Archie lies on the couch with his feet on the coffee table and his phone in front of his face. Veronica is at their neighbor's, Jojo. She just moved in and seems to get along very well with Veronica. The raven haired woman has been over a couple times to unpack boxes and get things ready. She tried to convince Archie so many times to come over too but he's too tired after work but he promised soon they can plan a Sunday brunch. Archie loves Veronica for wanting to help others but he really wants to hug and kiss his girl now.
Just in that moment the front door opens. Archie jumps up with a wide grin and walks towards her. "Hey beautiful. How was it?"

"Fun" Veronica giggles as she cups her husband's cheeks and kisses his lips gently. "But I'm ready for some cuddle time"

"Yay!" Archie grins.

"Could you massage my shoulder a little please? It hurts. Jojo tried but he just isn't as good as my Archiekins"

"Wait what? He? Jojo is a man?" Archie asked confused.

"Yeah his name is Jonathan but I like to call him Jojo. He doesn't really like when I call him that but it's fun to tease him"

Archie furrows his eyebrows. He gets a really weird feeling in his chest. One that he never felt this intense. He grabs Veronica's wrist and pulls her into his arms. He holds her close. His head rests on top of hers.

"What are you doing?" she giggles.

"I want to hug my wife. My wife, mine" he mumbles as he squeezes her closer. "He did never touch you though right. He never said anything or made you feel uncomfortable in any way"

"No" Veronica shakes her head "he's actually really sweet and he likes that new show that I love too, you know the one you think is ridiculous and he likes the same kind of chocolate and—"

"He knows you're married right?"

"Of course. He loves my ring. He knows what's good" Veronica giggles as she nuzzles her head against Archie's chest. She's questioning his reaction a little. He never reacted like this before

"I do too. I picked that ring"

"I know lover"

"Is that show on tonight? I want to watch it with you so we can talk about it. It can be our thing"
Archie asks as he holds her even closer.

Suddenly a wide smile grows on Veronica's face. "Oh my gosh Archiekins are you jealous?" She squeals as she pulls away and cups his cheeks.

"I'm not jealous. I'm fulfilling my husband duties by protecting you. You're mine. I'm not letting anyone too close to you or disrespect you or make you feel uncomfortable"

"Oh Archiekins you're jealous. That's so cute. I love you too"

"I'm not jealous" he says again but his cheeks blush deeply. "I'm not. I'm protecting my girl"

"And that's incredibly sweet" Veronica smiles. Her hands move from his cheeks to around his neck so he can pull him closer to her. She gets on her tiptoes before she kisses his lips. She feels how Archie's grip around her tightens. He holds her close like he's scared of losing her. It makes Veronica smile into the kiss. She thinks a little jealousy is actually pretty cute because it shows how much Archie loves her and protective Archie wins her heart every single time.
"There's nothing you need to protect me from though lover. He's just a friend and he's really nice. I'm sure you would like him too"

Archie scoffs "no thank you. I do not what to be friends with the man who is trying to steal my girl and I'd really much appreciate if you stopped seeing him too"

"I'm not" Veronica's says. She sounds annoyed all of the sudden. "I may be your wife but I'm not your property. You absolutely cannot tell me who I can and can't see" She lets go of him and was about to walk away but Archie pulls her back against his chest.

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