A new chapter

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Veronica and Archie just moved into their first apartment together. Most of their stuff is still in boxes. Both are tired but there is one thing Veronica needs to get done today or she won't be able to sleep. She let her three favorite pictures of her and Archie get printed on canvases. The perfect spot for them is in the hallway between their bedroom and the guest bedroom. Veronica insisted on hanging them up all by herself so Archie is just watching her. He offered his help a few times but only got an annoyed 'no' as a response. It took Veronica a while to measure the wall, find the middle and then put three nails in the wall that have the same distance in between as they have from the door frames. She's almost done. She only has to hang up the last canvas but for the love of god she can't get it straight. She's stressed. She wants to get this done so she can enjoy the first evening in her and Archie's first apartment together.

"looking good babe!" Archie chuckles

Veronica's head spins around swiftly. If looks could kill, Archie would at least be pretty hurt right now "shut up" she says as she turns her head back around.

"I'm just giving you emotional support"

"That's not helping"

"Do you need help?" Archie asks as he already walks towards her.

"No! I can do this on my own. I'm my own person. You don't always have to help me"

"Whatever you say baby" Archie smirks. He can't lie. The way Veronica stands on her tiptoes on the chair, trying to hang up that canvas looks pretty funny. She looks desperate but at the same time very motivated. She wants to do this and proof something to Archie but mostly herself. Archie takes a step closer to her. She's leaning to one side and he has a feeling the chair soon won't be anymore where it is right now and he's right. Just a few seconds later the chair slides to the side and Veronica falls into Archie's arms. The canvas falls to the ground. Veronica's eyes are squeezed shut. Slowly she opens them and is greeted by her boyfriends wide smile.

"You're welcome" he grins.

"Thank you" Veronica mumbles.

"May I help you now?"

"I want to do this on my own"

"I know love but I've been watching you for almost 15 minutes now. You don't need to proof anything to me. I know you're an independent, strong woman but we're a team, we do things together. Come on"

"Fine" Veronica sighs as she picks up the canvas "but you'll help me. Help is not a synonym for you're going to do all of it"

"Deal" Archie nods. He purses his lips and waits for a kiss. Veronica only pecks his lips but he won't complain. She's in a mood right now.
He pulls the chair back and helps her climb back on it. One of his hands is holding on to it while his other holds the canvas so Veronica can try to balance it a little better. Together, it takes them less than a minute. Archie knows Veronica could have done this on her own but she's tired and he simply likes helping her whenever he can.

"See babe, teamwork makes the dream work" he smiles as he places his hands on her waist and helps her jump off the chair.

"I guess you were right"

Archie pulls her against his chest and kisses the top of her head "ready for a movie and some ice cream now?"

"Movie yes but no ice cream"

"No ice cream?"

"I just don't feel like ice cream right now"

"Whatever you say" Archie shrugs. "You pick a movie. I'll get myself some ice cream"

Veronica nods. Before Archie can walk away, she cups his cheeks and kisses his lips. "Sorry"

"Sorry for what?" he asks

"For being so moody. I know you just want to help me but sometimes I don't need your help. Sometimes I can do stuff by myself. I'm a big girl"

"I know my love" Archie sighs "I'm sorry too. I just want to make life easier for you"

"That's one of the many reasons why I love you so much Archiekins. I'll tell you when I need help with something but sometimes you just need to see that I need help and then you need to help me without me having to ask"

"You make no sense babe" Archie laughs.

"You still understand me" she smirks "another reason why I love you"

"I love you too Ronnie, more than anything. The only thing that comes really close is ice cream so you go pick a movie and I'll get myself a bowl. Are you sure you don't want any ice cream?"

Veronica nods "thank you though"

"Sure thing" he smirks.

Veronica walks into her new living room. There isn't much stuff yet but she knows exactly where she wants everything. The pictures and her favorite pillows and the new rug. She's excited to make this places their places. With a smile she grabs some blankets and then gets comfortable on the couch. She starts her favorite movie, a movie Archie already had to watch countless times but he put her in charge of picking a movie so she doesn't feel bad.

Archie quickly joins her on the couch. He's just as excited to turn this apartment into their own but they are done for today. All day long they carried boxes. He's exhausted and ready for his first night with his favorite girl in their first apartment.

"Chocolate? Can I have a bite?" Veronica asks very carefully as she stares at the ice cream in the bowl.

"What? But babe I literally just asked if you wanted ice cream and you said no"

"Well, now that I see it I want some too"

"Fine" Archie groans. "Here take mine. I'll get myself a new bowl"

"Thank you lover" she grins as her boyfriend walks back into the kitchen.

With a wide smile and her heart beating fast she shoves a spoon full of ice cream into her mouth. She hasn't been this happy in a very long time. Today proofed again why moving in with Archie was a great decision. She has been nothing but a pain in the butt all day long and he's still amazing and loving and just the man of her dreams. She can't wait to spend the rest of her life with him, have a family and grow old.

As Archie sits back down next to her with a sigh, her smile quickly fades.
"Is that cookie dough ice cream?" she asks as she scoops some ice cream out of his bowl. "Why do you get cookie dough?"

"Because I wanted to finish the chocolate ice cream first but then someone stole it from me so now I have cookie dough"

Veronica pushes her bottom lip forward. "I like cookie dough" she mumbles

"Veronica Lodge, you're driving me insane!" Archie groans as he hand his bowl to her and takes the one that was his five minutes ago, back. "You're so damn lucky I love you so much"

"Thank you Archiekins" she smiles widely. She sits closer to him and presses her lips against his cheek. "You're the best boyfriend in the entire world"

"Of course I am and now leave me alone"

Veronica smiles widely and cuddles into his side. "I love you too Archie"

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