Black veins

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When cami posted that tiktok of her with all those black veins on her face I had a theory about what could happen. I wish this would happen on the show (maybe a little less dramatic though) but I know it won't. This is kinda short

Her heart is racing, everything around her is spinning. She feels weak, very weak. The image of her and the black veins on her face flash back in front of her eyes. This is it. She thinks. I'm going to die. Right here right now, alone. I never got the family, the life I wanted.
Tears roll down her cheeks. She didn't believe Doctor Curdle Jr. when he said she has to get rid of the toxin in her blood by poisoning someone else. She was fine for so long and black widows don't poison themselves but somehow it happened. With the little energy she has left, she reaches for her phone. There is only one person who can help her and she really hopes he will make it in time.
It rings and rings and rings. "Come on" she groans.

"Ronnie?" he says. His voice give her hope. For a second all the pain disappeares.

"Archie you need to come. Now! I—I"

"Ronnie? Are you okay?"

"Come please" she whispers before the phone slips out of her hands.

Archie doesn't even think about it. He runs out of his house to the Pembrooke. He arrives completely out of breath. He knocks against the familiar door. No answer. He furrows his eyebrows. "Ronnie?"

"Archie" Veronica breathes out. She's too weak to move or speak up. Tears still run down her cheeks "don't leave"

"Ronnie? I'm coming in" he says as he already opens the door to the apartment swiftly. His heart stops beating for a second when he sees Veronica laying on the floor. He rushes over to her, falls on the ground and pulls her upper body into his arms. "Ronnie, what happened? What's wrong with your face?" he asks in shock but still gently runs his thumb over her skin.

"Kiss me" she whispers.


"Too much poison in body. You need to kiss me" she says. Her eyes are closed already and even though Archie could barely hear her, he heard how desperate she was. He pulls her body closer and presses his lips against hers. He feels the toxin rushing into his body but no pain. He pulls back for less than a second to take a breath before he presses his lips against hers again. This time he does not only feel how Veronica is giving all the poison in her body to him but he can feel a slight tingle in his stomach. His eyes are closed so he's surprised when he suddenly feels Veronica's hands on his cheeks. For some reason he holds her closer and keeps kissing her before he slowly pulls away.

"Thanks" Veronica sighs. Her forehead rests against his. "You just safed my life Archiekins"

"I told you I'd always protect you. Always also includes when we're not dating. You're still one of my best friends and I can't let you get hurt"

"Thank you" she whispers. Their eyes are still closed. Archie can't see the smile on her face but he can feel her eyelashes tingle his skin. "I'm sorry I made you do this. I know you're with Betty but you're the only one I could think of who's able to help me"

"Betty and I broke up"

Veronica opens her eyes and finally sits up. "What? Why?"

"She told me she had feelings for Drake she said it's different with her than with me"

"I'm so sorry Archie"

"It's okay" he sighs. "I love Betty, somehow. She's my best friend but we talked and all the things I definitely want, like kids, is something she's not sure about and besides there's someone else who owns my heart" he says with a slight smile on his lips as he looks Veronica deeply into the eyes. "It belongs to the most beautiful woman. The woman I kept fighting for when I was in the war. The woman who made me smile even though she wasn't mine. The woman I pictured my future with the second I saw her"

Veronica blushes deeply. She looks to the floor to avoid eye contact.

"I think you know her" Archie continues but Veronica keeps looking to the floor so he places his finger under her chin and lifts up her head. "In case I wasn't clear enough, I'm talking about you Ronnie. I know life is really testing us but we always find our way back to each other. I fought all my demons and I'm ready to do whatever makes you happy cause I want to be with you and if that means I have to move to New York, I will do that"

"No Archie I could never ask you to do that. Riverdale is not Riverdale without Archie Andrews"

"And Archie Andrews is not Archie Andrews without his Ronnie"

A little giggle leaves Veronica's mouth. Her cheeks blush again. She looks into his eyes and she can tell that he's serious. "I don't want you to be unhappy"

"I can't be unhappy with you. I never was. You're amazing Ronnie"

"Well" Veronica smirks. She bites her bottom lip as she wraps her arms around his neck and sits on his lap. His arms are around her waist. "I actually did a lot of thinking and I love New York. It's my home but Riverdale is too and I honestly think Riverdale is a better place to raise children. So as long as you promise me that we're going to New York at least one weekend a month, I'd love to move into your beautiful house and raise a family where we have all those memories"

"Are you serious?"

"Mhm" she smiles "but I want to rearrange the bedroom. No offense"

"You can do whatever you want to do Ronnie. I just want you with me, forever and this time I promise forever actually means forever cause I finally figured out all my shit and I'm ready to start a life, saddle down. Oh I can't wait to be a dad"

"I know" Veronica smiles. "You're going to be the most amazing father"

Archie smiles. "So what now? Are we a thing again? Are we going to start a family together?"

"There is no one else in this world I'd rather have a family with than you Archie"

"So is that a yes?"

"Yes!" Veronica laughs. "Wow two minutes ago I thought I would die and now this"

Archie chuckles. "I've got your back Ronnie. Now and forever" he whispers before he pulls her close again and places his lips back on hers.

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