The stranger from the bar (2)

739 21 16

I didn't expect this to be so long 😬

Veronica's apartment is quiet besides the sound of lips separating over and over again. There are still pink balloons everywhere from Eliza's 6th birthday last week. The little girl refuses to get rid of them. She's in her room and happily plays by herself so Veronica and Archie are busy with each other.
Archie holds Veronica close to his chest. Her hands play with the ends of his hair while they kiss passionately. It's not too wild because they are not alone but they are totally lost in the feeling of each other. Their hearts race. The way Archie just won't take his lips off Veronica makes her giggle. "Less giggling and more kissing"

"More kissing?" Veronica giggles. "We've done nothing else but kissing"

"So? I love you! I want to kiss you all day, every day"

It's been six months since Veronica and Archie stated dating. Veronica feels so loved. A feeling she didn't have in a long time. Yes she loves her daughter to death and she knows her little mini version loves her too but there's just such a big difference between the love from a child and from a partner.
"You're so cute" she squeals. She cups his cheeks and pulls his face back to her so she can kiss him again. "I love you too Archiekins"

Right as Archie wanted to continue his kid friendly make out session with Veronica, he can feel a little hand on his arm. He turns his head and is greeted by a pair of deep brown eyes.

"Are you done?" Eliza asks so innocently that Archie can't help but chuckle. "No not really" he says as he shakes his head.

Eliza groans "I need someone who can help me get my game down. It's on the top shelf"

"Okay" Archie sighs. He pulls Veronica close and kisses her one last time before he gets up and take the little girl's hand. "Don't move babe"

"I won't" she giggles.

"Up!" Eliza smirks and looks up to the redhead with her best puppy dog eyes. "Please!"

"Fine" he mumbles.

Eliza wraps her arms tightly around his neck and presses her cheek against his. "I love you Archie"

"I love you too munchkin"

"Archie when is it time to go see daddy?" Eliza asks as they walk into her room, to the shelve with all her board games. She has a lot because she loves to play with Veronica and now Archie too.

"In like half an hour. Are you excited?"

"Yeah!" Eliza nods "I haven't seen him in a long time! But Archie you need to know that I don't love him more than you! Can you give me that?" She asks as she points at a blue box.

Archie chuckles. He reaches for it, hands it to Eliza and kisses her cheek. "It's okay honey. He's your dad. You can love him more. I'm just mommy's boyfriend"

"No" Eliza says as she shakes her head "your one of my best friends and your part of the family Archie!

"That's sweet love"

"Do we have enough time to play?"

Archie nods with a smile. He doesn't really want Eliza to go and see her dad because after everything he has done, he feels like he's not good enough for this perfect little girl. It's not like he has a say in this but it breaks his heart when he thinks of the beautiful smile on her face that will probably fade away later.
Veronica asked him to stay behind and wait for her. She didn't want her ex to find out about her new boyfriend when she is dropping of her daughter.


Veronica had a very weird feeling in her guts when she left her daughter with her ex husband. It's been months since they last saw each other. She knows that her baby will be safe but possibly not very happy. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath as she gets her keys out of her purse. Luckily there is a very handsome man waiting for her on her couch.
As she pushes the door open she can hear how Archie turns off the tv immediately.
"Get your cute ass over here" he says with a wide grin the second Veronica walks back in the door. "I missed you" Veronica can't help but giggle. She kicks off her shoes and lets her purse fall to the ground. She takes her sweet time to get to Archie because she knows it drives him crazy and she loves being able to control him that way.
Archie groans. He gets up, grabs Veronica's hand and pulls her close to his chest. His hands are on her waist but quickly travel down to her butt. "Mine" he whispers before he picks her up and sits down on the couch again with her straddling him.
Veronica bites her lip and just stares into Archie's eyes. She gently brushes a strand of hair out of his face before she leans in and kisses him gently. Things heat up quickly. Their hands and lips are all over each other's body. Veronica rocks her hips against Archie's and she can feel how excited he his.

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