Who do you trust? (2)

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I'm sorry I know it's been forever but here's part 2 😄😄☺️

~4 years later~

"Mommy!" Veronica's three year old son screams from outside. She sits on the couch and nurses the little baby in his arms. "I can't right now! I'm feeding your brother"

"But mommy!" he screams again.

"I got it" Emma yells. The 19 year old girl runs outside. Her eyes widen when she sees her little brother sitting in a tree.

"I can't get down" the little boy sniffs. "Help me Emmy" Tears roll down his cheeks. His little hands hold on tight to the tree. His face is full of fear.
Emma reaches her arms out to him.

"Let go. I'll catch you"

"No I'm scared. I want mommy"

"Mommy can't right now. She's feeding Oliver. I got you Henry, trust me"

The little boy slowly lets go of the tree. He shuts his eyes tightly and lets himself fall. A scream leaves his body but he's quiet quickly when he feels his sister's lips against his head. A few last little tears run down his cheeks. Instead of the tree he's now holding on tight to his Emma.

"How did you even get up there buddy?"

"I climbed"

"I figured" she laughs "just don't climb when no grownup is outside.

"You were outside"

"Yes I was. But I went inside to get my phone and even though Liz is older than you, she's not a grownup" Emma says and looks over to her little sister on the swings. Her giggles can probably be heard from inside as well. It makes Emma smile.

Even though it's been a while, she still feels bad about forcing Liz to be mean to Veronica. She apologized to Veronica a thousand times and she knows she forgave her but she still wants to make it up by helping as much as she can. So often Veronica told her she doesn't have to do all the things she's doing, especially when she was in her senior year but she did it anyway. After high school she wanted to go to college and even got accepted into Harvard but when she found out Veronica was pregnant again she decided to stay a year and then go. Archie usually works 8 hours a day. He tries to come home early as often as he can but Emma didn't want to leave Veronica alone with an almost preteen, a toddler and a new born. Veronica would never admit she's happy Emma stayed home a year longer but she really appreciates the help and of course she's happy she gets an extra year with her girl.

"Can we go inside to mommy?" Henry asks. He rubs his eyes and then lies his head on his sister's shoulder.

"Sure buddy" she kisses his forehead and walks back inside the house. Veronica finished nursing Oliver. The little boy now happily sits in his mother's lap. He's facing her and is giggling. The little nine month old baby has shining red hair and hazel eyes like his father but the curls and the olive skin he got from his mom. Henry's hair is dark like Veronica's. His eyes are hazel brown too. All of the kids have Archie's eyes and Veronica absolutely loves that.

"Mommy!" Henry sniffs. Emma sets him down on the couch and he immediately cuddles into Veronica's side. She kisses his head softly and wraps one arm around him. "What's wrong love"

"I climbed on a tree and I couldn't get down and I was so scared mommy"

"I'm sorry honey. Did Emma help you down?"

Henry nods. He looks to his brother and smiles at him. Henry was so happy when he found out he's getting a brother. He already had two sisters. He was not really interested in a third one. "We told you so many times, you can't climb on trees when you're alone"

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