Forgotten future

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Thank you Lovimilian for this idea 😌❤️ (long one shot) Also, this has been in my drafts for way too long

4 weeks ago Archie's entire world changed. He was at work, looking really forward to a dinner date with his fiancé when he got the most horrifying call. Veronica was on her way to his work, to surprise him when she tripped in the house they just recently bought, fell down the stairs and hit her head. She's so lucky that Betty, her best friend came over and got suspicious when no one opened the door. She found Veronica unconscious and called 911. Since then she has been in a coma. Archie didn't leave her side. He packed a bag and has been sleeping on the small couch next to her bed every single night. Jughead, Archie's best friend and Betty come visit often and make sure Archie takes care of himself. They make sure he eats enough, gets enough sleep and takes showers. Hiram, Veronica's dad blames everything that has happened on Archie. If they weren't dating, she never would have left to see him and then she never would have fallen down the stairs. Hiram hates Archie. He tolerates him because he knows how much Veronica loves him but he thinks he's not good enough for his little girl and the fact that they got engaged after just a little over a year of dating, doesn't make it better. Archie went to Veronica's parents with his heart beating out of his chest and asked for their blessing. Hiram left the room without saying a word but Hermione smiled at him. He'll be fine honey. She said. You make our daughter really happy. Marry her.

Archie sits on a chair next to Veronica's bed. He holds her hand and just stares at her. He's more than tired but he just can't sleep with Veronica in a coma. The doctor cleaned the wounds she had but they said there's nothing else they can do right now. She just has to wake up. That's what they have been saying for five weeks she just has to wake up.

"Ronnie" Archie says quietly. "I know that I've been talking to you a lot but they say people in a coma can hear everything that's going on around them and if that's true you're probably annoyed by how much I'm talking but I just need you to wake up babe. I miss you so much. I need to kiss you. I want to goof around with you and hug you and enjoy pizza night after a long day of work. We just got engaged love" he smiles as he runs his thumb over her knuckles. "I want to talk about wedding stuff. I love how excited you are to become my wife because I'm excited too. I can't wait until you're finally Mrs. Andrews. I've been dreaming about this since the day I met you. I knew from the very beginning that you're my one. We even talked about a baby, Ronnie. Do you know how excited I get when I think about you and me and a baby. I can't wait to be a dad. I love you Ronnie. I love you so so much"

Finally, Veronica moves. Her hand moves in his before I eyes slowly flutter open.

"Ronnie, oh my god Ronnie" Archie smiles. He gets up cups her cheeks and gently kisses her lips. "How are you love?"

"I— I" she mumbles "my head really hurts. Where am I? Who are you?"

Archie freezes. "You you don't recognize me?"

Veronica stares at him. Archie's hands are still on Veronica's face. "Oh, you're that cute guy from the bar, Archie if I remember correctly?"

He nods slowly. "Ronnie, tell me how old you are and the year we're in"

"That's a weird question" she giggles. "It's 2022 and I'm 25"

Archie slowly sits down on the chair again and lets go of her. "What's wrong? She asks why am I here? Why are you here and not my family?"

"Okay" he sighs "let me tell you what happened. It's a lot. So it's 2023 and you're 26. I feel like you forgot about everything that happened the past year. So we met at the bar, that's right. You were there with your friend and I was there with mine. You two came over after I stared at you for like an hour. The second I saw you, I fell in love with you. We talked, exchanged numbers, went on a couple dates and then stared dating. We have the most special relationship Ronnie. I never loved anyone so dearly. After just six months you moved into my apartment and a few months ago we bought our first own house and a little over a month ago we got engaged. We even talked about children"

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