The worst trip ever

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I don't know if this is good. It sounded cute in my head. ☺️ ps This is a long one shot. Probably my longest

"Archie did you put the water bottles into the backpack?" Veronica yells from the bathroom as she ties her hair in a high ponytail.

"No, not yet"

Veronica groans. She grabs a bottle of sunscreen and walks down the stairs to the living room where her husband tries to dress their two daughters.

"I asked you twenty minutes ago to put the girls' water bottles into the backpack.

"I'm busy too baby, sorry"

She rolls her eyes and hands him the sun screen. "Can you put this on the girls please"

"Yeah" he says and takes it from her. She walks into the kitchen to put some food and even more important, water bottles into the backpack.
They are getting ready for a little hiking trip through the woods with Betty, Jughead and their daughter. Veronica and Archie had a small, very unnecessary fight yesterday but no one is ready to apologize so there is some tension between them.

"No dada!" Veronica can hear her youngest scream. The almost two year old little girl is really stubborn sometimes. She always hated sun screen. Even when she was a baby.

"Yes Charlie"


"This is not up for discussion honey. You need sun screen. I don't want you to get burned"

"A sun burn hurts Charlie" Faye, Archie and Veronica's older daughter says. The three and a half year old sits down on the floor across from her father and watches how Archie puts sun screen on the whining girl. She kicks her legs around but Archie doesn't care. When he's done, Charlie runs to her mom, only wearing diapers. "Mama!" she cries. "Dada mean"

"No daddy is right mi amor" Veronica says. She lifts the girl into her arms and kisses her cheek. Charlie is still very upset. She has her arms around Veronica's neck and there is a frown on her face.

"It's all good sweetheart. Do you want mommy to dress you?"

"Yeah mama" she mumbles and nods her head to support her statement.
So Veronica carries the girl into the living room where her clothes are on the floor. Faye stands in front of Archie. He applies the sun screen on her back while the girl smears it all over her face.

"Look mommy! I can do it all by myself"

"Very good honey. You're such a big girl already"

"Mhm" Faye grins as she reaches for the the yellow dress on the floor. She pulls it over her head and then turns around to her father. With a wide grin she proudly presents it. "I can even get dressed all by myself daddy!"

"I know love but you put it on backwards" he grins.

The girl looks down and then slowly back up to her dad. Archie still has a grin on his face. "Do you need help honey?"


"a little help?"

"Maybe a little" Faye mumbles. "But just today. You know I can do it on my own"

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