Jail time

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Okay this is very random and has nothing to do with the story but why did no one ever talk about the fact that Hiram was right about Archie somehow? He hated him because he was afraid Archie would cheat on Veronica. Which he did ✨twice✨ I know Hiram did a lot of shitty stuff but he always protected Veronica.

Six weeks ago was the happiest day of Veronica's and Archie's lives and just two days later it was the most horrible, heartbreaking one.

Six weeks ago Veronica gave birth to a little girl. She's only 17 and so is Archie but from the beginning, they knew they wanted their baby. They knew they'd find a way to handle all of it. They knew they have their moms for support.

The little girl looked so much like her father. It was unbelievable to Veronica and she was a little jealous too. She was pregnant for 9 months and went through hours and hours of painful labor just to give birth to a mini version of her boyfriend. They named the little girl Ophelia. Ophelia had Archie's face but dark brown hair. Almost like Veronica's but just a little lighter.
She was the cutest and most beautiful girl the young parents have ever seen. Archie couldn't stop crying when he first held her.
She was small and his flesh and blood. He still couldn't believe that his love for Veronica turned into a little human. Ophelia grabbed his finger when he picked her up and didn't let go for a while. He wanted time to freeze. He never wanted that moment to end.

He knows he and Veronica are her young but they love each other and he's so excited to start their new lives as a family. They are excited to raise their daughter, show her the world and help her explore it.

Veronica and Archie spent the first night after they left the hospital at Archie's house. Mary was excited too and offered her help which Veronica and Archie gladly excepted. They didn't get any sleep the first night but they wouldn't want it any other way.

48 hours is what Hiram gave them before he arrested Archie for some random murder he didn't commit. Besides the fact that he would never hurt anyone, he was with Veronica all day every day the past couple weeks. He didn't take his eyes off her but sadly they can't prove that.
Veronica cried. She cried more tears than she ever cried before.
Hiram forced her to come back to the Pembrooke after Archie was arrested. She didn't really have a choice. Mary was now busy with trying to get Archie out of jail and she didn't want to bother her or cause sleepless nights. She still visited her. Almost every single day for just a few hours.

It's been six whole weeks since Archie was arrested. Veronica can't really enjoy her new role as mom. She misses Archie. She misses his support and his hugs and kisses, his love.
Her daughter is the only thing in his world that fills her broken heart with some joy. She's exhausted. She knew a newborn was going to be a lot of work but she always pictured Archie by her side. Tears fill her eyes. She never felt so much pain before. She looks down to the sleeping baby in her arms "I'm sorry amor" she whispers. "I swear I'll do anything to get daddy back home to us and I will protect you from everything and everyone"

Veronica gets up and slowly walks into her bedroom to lay Ophelia down in her crib.
As quietly as possible, Veronica tiptoes out of the room. As soon as the door is closed behind her, her hands turn into fists. She storms to her father's office. Without knocking, she pushes the door open.
"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?" Veronica yells with tears streaming down her cheeks. "I love him. He's the father of my child, your grandchild"

"You two are better off without him. He got what he deserved. He's not good enough for you"

"Who are you to judge?"

"You're my daughter Veronica. I know you whether you like it or not"

"Ugh I hate you!" she yells. There's no point in talking to him. She turns around on her heels and storms back to her room. She slams the door shut. A frustrated scream leaves her body. She regrets it immediately. Her little daughter flinches. She starts to cry and whine. Veronica sighs. She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, then picks up the tiny little girl and rocks her in her arms. "Shhh mi amor. Mommy didn't mean to scare you. I'm just so upset. I miss your daddy so much and I know you do too. I promise you mommy will do anything she can to get him out of that horrible place" Veronica smiles at her daughter while more tears roll down her cheeks. The little girl calmed down and just looks at her mother.
She's so small and she looks so much like Archie.

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