good things come in threes

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"Oh my gosh, I can't believe my babies are 18" Veronica squeals as she wraps her arms around her triplets. Two girls and a boy. Her girls Nora and Riley are identical and both are the spitting image of their mother. Raven curls, dark brown eyes, olive skin, a button nose and both absolutely gorgeous.
Her son, Leo, is a mixture of his parents. Olive skin, freckles on his button nose, hazel eyes and bright red curly hair. All three of them have mostly Archie's personality but they're also really confident like Veronica.

It's a couple of minutes after midnight and they all sit on the couch. The kids between their parents. The triplets each hold a cupcake with a burning candle.

"Make a wish" Veronica smiles.
She stares at her kids with shining eyes. She claps her hands when they blow out the candles.

"Mom we're not five anymore" Nora giggles.

"Your point?"

"I like mom's traditional midnight birthday cupcake"  Leo smiles.

"You're such a mama's boy" Riley laughs.

"Don't be so mean" Veronica says while she wraps her arms around her son and kisses his head. You two refused to fall asleep when dad wasn't home"

"Daddy's girls" Archie smirks.

"I can't believe you're 18. I remember the day we found out about you three"

"What was that like?" Riley giggles. "Triplets are no fun"

"Triplets are a lot of fun" Archie chuckles. "Just really exhausting"


"Are you excited to see your child for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Andrews?" the doctor smiles.

Veronica nods with a big smile on her face. Archie squeezes her hand and intertwines their fingers. He kisses her knuckles before he moves his gaze to the screen.

"There it is" the doctor smiles. "Oh and there is another one and -and another one"

"Wait what?" Veronica says. Her eyes are big and her jaw hangs open. "Three?"

"Uhm yes Mrs Andrews, triplets. Congratulations"

"Yay three babies. That's awesome" Archie cheers. He leans down to Veronica and kisses her head.

"You're not the one who has to carry all of them and them and then push them out"

"For the next nine months I'll do anything you want"

"No you're gonna do whatever I want for the rest of our lives"

"Whatever you say love" Archie chuckles.


"Poor mom" Riley giggles. "Pregnant with triplets. Ever heard of one at a time dad?"

"One kid is boring. Three is way more fun and challenging. You can't tell me that being a triplet isn't awesome"

"It's pretty cool" Leo smiles. "I loved how all our teachers were always super overwhelmed. Riley and Nora are already a handful but all three of us" he chuckles "how did you two survive the past 18 years"

"I don't know" Veronica laughs "it was hard sometimes but we had a lot of great moments together as a family but also just you three. You always had and still have each other's back and I love that. I don't know if you remember it but when you were three years old Leo lost his favorite teddy bear and you girls were trying to make him feel better. It was adorable.


"Mommy, where is teddy?" Leo asks. He sits down next to Veronica and Archie on the floor who are unpacking the suitcases. They just came home from their family vacation.

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