Finding the missing piece (2)

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Nervously Violet runs her fingers through her hair. It's very curly naturally but most of the time it's all over the place. It's a lot of work to keep her curls beautiful. Today is a special day though. That's why she used an curling iron to define them. She only put a little bit of makeup on. You can still clearly see the freckles on her nose and cheekbones and forehead. She bought a new dress, just for today. It's a light blue summer dress.
Just a few weeks after Violet and Veronica were reunited with Archie, they moved to Riverdale. Violet wanted to leave New York. She wanted to start over. She misses Hazel and Nora terribly but they promised each other to have a girls meeting at least once a month. After summer break, Violet is going to start her sophomore year at Riverdale High. She's excited and nervous. She hopes that she can finally make some friends.
Today she is going to meet her grandparents for the first time. When Archie told his parents about Veronica and Violet, they wanted to see them right away but Archie asked for some time, now the day has come and all three are going to have lunch with Archie's parents.

"You look beautiful amor" Veronica smiles as she slowly walks into her daughter's room. It looks almost exactly like her room in New York. She liked her old room. Just now when she looks out the window, she sees a nice American neighborhood instead of skyscrapers and hundreds of cars.

"Are you sure? Is this too much? Or should I put more makeup on? Should I put my hair up?"

"Honey, you look perfect just like that. Don't worry so much. Mary and Fred are going to love you"

"How can you know" the girl asks and sits down on her bed. Veronica joins her. With a soft smile she brushes her daughter's hair behind her ear.

"You are their first and only grandchild. You have your father's hair and your grandma's eyes. You're sweet and kind and so smart. You're so much like your father. I know they'll love you"

Violet sighs. "I'm nervous mom"

"It's okay to feel that way. A lot changed in your life in the past few weeks. I know that you are happy about most of these things but it's still a lot. Just be yourself but if you feel overwhelmed at any point, let me know. I'll take you on a walk"

Violet nods. "Thank you mom"

"Of course amor" Veronica smiles. Before they can get up Archie walks into the room too. He was looking for them. He smiles widely when he sees the girls sit on the bed in their dresses. Veronica keeps saying how much Violet looks like Archie but he can't see it. Every time he looks at his daughter, he sees Veronica.

"Are you guys ready?"

Violet nods with a smile. Her heart is beating fast but she's excited to meet her grandparents. She doesn't have a lot of memories of her abuelo. She was too young when he passed and she only sees her abuelita maybe once or twice a year. She loves the thought of having grandparents close where she can go after a fight with her parents or after school for a late lunch. She notices how Archie stares at her mom. She still needs to get used to the fact that her father is head over heels into her mother, still or again? It doesn't matter. It makes her happy and heals the inner child in her which was always dreaming about this. "I'll meet you guys outside" she smirks.

As soon as Violet leaves the room, Archie takes Veronica's hands and pulls her on her feet. He wraps his arms around her tightly and kisses her. "You have no idea how much my parents miss you. They always talk about you. I think they love you more than me"

Veronica giggles. "Your parents are so sweet but do you know who they are going to love way more than you or me?"

"Our baby" Archie smiles.

"Yeah" Veronica whispers as she pulls his head down to her. Their foreheads rests against each others. "I love you Archie"

"I love you more babe. I promise you I will try to make up for all the time we've lost"

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