Three broken hearts (2)

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Veronica stares at the white wall in front of her. She has been staring at it for almost an hour now, not saying a single word, with a glass of water instead of red wine in her hand today. As if life wasn't complicated enough she found out she's pregnant two days ago. The breakup happened a month ago. She thought about talking to him so so many times but she felt too stupid to just go to him and say "hi I think I made a mistake let's go back to where we were and pretend nothing ever happened" That's not how it works. It will be weird and different. It will take so much time until they are back to where they were and on top of that they have to work on whatever made them doubt their relationship or made her doubt.
She always wanted a second baby and she and Archie talked about having at least one more. What is she supposed to do now? She's going to have this child, no doubt in her mind about that but how and when is she supposed to tell Archie.
Her best friend Betty sits next to her and just watches Veronica while she's deeply in her thoughts. She knew that something was going on when she saw her friend for lunch today. Veronica promised to tell her what's going on as soon as Sophie is in bed.

"V? Can I get you anything?" Betty interrupts the silence. Veronica just shakes her head.
"Are you sure? Did you eat anything today? Cause I didn't see you eat. It's not just you right now honey. You have a little human in you who depends on you"

"I know" Veronica sighs and leans back. Her hands are on her stomach.

"You have to eat something, anything. What if I get you some ice cream and put a couple strawberries and bananas in too?"

"Would you do that for me?"

"Of course V" Betty smiles as she gets up and disappears into the kitchen.

Veronica looks down to her hands. A small smile grows on her lips. She can't feel anything yet but she remembers the feeling she had when she was pregnant with Sophie so well. "Tell me little human why do babies always have terrible timing or at least most babies? Your daddy is terrible at time management too but he's also the sweetest human being on earth. You're going to love him just as much as your sissy does"

"And mommy" Betty smirks as she sets a bowl full of chocolate eyes cream, strawberries and bananas in front of her, just like she promised


"Come on V. You told me a day after you broke up that you don't know if you made the right decision and that you want to get back together. I know that didn't change"

"But how am I supposed to talk to him now. If I tell him I'm pregnant right away, he will definitely get back together with me but then I won't know if he wants to because of me or just because of the baby and if I don't tell him I'll go crazy. How can I have him next to me and keep the child in me, his child a secret from him"

"You don't have to keep it a secret for long" Betty smiles. She knows the redhead is the one and only for Veronica. Everyone knows. He was so head over heels into her. No one made her happier than he did. "Let him come over, talk, see how it's going, what he's thinking and if he wants to get back together wait until the next day and tell him. Veronica he loves you, I'm positive he didn't just stop just like you didn't. You know he would give his life for you and that baby and the child that isn't his"


Betty's words kept repeating in Veronica's head over and over again until she couldn't take it anymore. She asked her to watch Sophie over the weekend so she could talk to Archie and of course Betty said yes.

It's Friday evening and Veronica has been staring at her phone for almost an hour now. She wants to call Archie but the fear of disappointment and rejection is stopping her. She looks to the small cupboard under the tv. A few pictures are on it including one of Sophie and Archie. She refused to move it anywhere else. It's her favorite picture of the two. Sophie was only 3 back then. It was about six months after Veronica and Archie started dating and two months after her daughter first met her boyfriend. They were inseparable from the very first second. The picture makes her smile every single time. Sophie is in Archie's arms. The widest smile sits on her lips. One of her arms is around Archie's neck her other hand is on his muscular chest. Archie's lips are pressed against the little girl's cheek. 'I love her like she's mine' Archie whispered into Veronica's ear after they took the picture. 'I know it's crazy after such a short time but I do'
Veronica remembers how his words made her heart race and her stomach tingle. She looks back to her phone. She takes one deep breath before she calls Archie and just like every time she calls he picks up after a few seconds.

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