Double trouble (2)

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It's only 8 in the morning but Veronica has been up for almost 2 hours already. Her kids wake up early.
They are running around the house, jumping on the couch and making a giant mess in the living room. She doesn't have the energy to stop them and she doesn't really care either. Veronica's parents left for work so she's alone with them. They don't have much food at home, nothing that is very appropriate for her twins so she needs to go grocery shopping. Taking two hungry, cranky toddlers shopping, is definitely not something she is looking forward to. She sits on the couch in sweatpants and a hoodie and just watches her kids run around.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door. She frowns. She's not expecting anyone. On the way to the door, she ties her messy morning hair into a bun. She smirks when she sees her favorite redhead in front of her.

"Breakfast!" Archie smiles and holds two brown paper bags into the air. It makes Veronica giggle. "What part of lunch didn't you understand?"

Archie shrugs "I figured you might need some more help"

"My hero" she says as she dramatically puts her hands over her heart. "You're lucky I'm starving and my two little humans, like you put it, are starving too. They had a few animal crackers but they need some real food"

"I have a bunch of different options"

"Do you want to come inside or just stand there?" Veronica asks with a giggle.

Archie chuckles. He walks into the apartment but not without placing a soft kiss on Veronica's cheek before he walks past her. He kicks his shoes off then walks into the kitchen and places his bags on the counter. Veronica follows but not just her. Two pair of tiny feet waddle behind her. "Hi guys" Archie smiles. "I brought food!"

Finn wraps his short arms around Veronica's legs but Grace walks over to Archie. He sits down on the ground and opens his arms. Grace places her small, sticky hands on his cheeks.

"Hi" Archie chuckles.

"Hi" the little girl giggles "I hungry"

"Me too little human. Do you want to see what I brought?"

Grace nods so Archie gets up to get some of the food options out of the bag but the second he turns away from her, he feels how she pulls on his shirt. "Picky please" she says

Archie looks at Veronica. "That's what they say when they want to be held"

"That makes sense" Archie chuckles. He swings Grace into the air before he holds her. Her laugh is so heartwarming. It reminds Archie a lot of Veronica's.

"I see" Finn says. One of his arms is still wrapped around his mother's leg. With the other hand he's pointing at the brown bags on the counter. Veronica picks him up and walks next to Archie. Their arms touch.

"So I had no idea what your kids like so I just brought all kinds of food. I brought eggs so we can make scrambled eggs. I brought bananas and strawberries and blueberries. My mom made some baby pancakes. I have bread and peanut butter some tomatoes because I really like tomatoes. I made mommy's favorite fruit salad, I hope you still like that Ronnie, same for your croissants—"

"You really did think of everything huh?" Veronica smirks.

Archie blushes slightly but then nods slowly "I guess"

Grace's little hands reach into the bag but Veronica stops her right before she could touch anything.

A small upset scream leaves her mouth. "No mama! I hungry"

"I know babe. Finn is hungry too and mommy is hungry and Archie is hungry. You go play with Finn. Mommy and Archie will get breakfast ready right now, okay?"

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