Never too old for mom and dad

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Grace rolls from her back on her stomach and groans. It's Saturday morning. She doesn't know what time it is but it's definitely too early. Her four year old twin brothers Carter and Theodor (everyone calls him Theo though) are full of energy and have a hard time staying quiet. She's not even mad at them because she knows they are playing but it's still annoying. Sometimes she misses being an only child or better she misses being able to sleep in. She can hear her mom walk around and trying to convince the boys to sit still and watch some tv because 'sissy' is still asleep. A small smile forms on her lips. That's them, the Andrews'. The house where kids want to play but the parents try to convince them to watch tv instead.

"Only if daddy carries us!" she can hear Theo squeal excitedly.

It's quiet for a couple minutes until she hears a knock against her door. "Yeah?" Grace says. Usually no one bothers her in the morning. Everyone knows that Grace is anything but a morning person.

The door opens and her parents walk in with a smile on their faces. Veronica places a cup of hot chocolate on the nightstand before she sits down on the bed.

"You, mi amor, are going to have a mommy and daddy day!" she smiles widely. It makes her daughter laugh. "I think the last time we did that was when I was 10" she giggles.

"Exactly and that's why we're going to do it again today! Abuelo is going to pick up Carter and Theo in like half an hour and then we will have breakfast at Pop's just like we used to when you were younger"

"We know that a lot of our attention goes to your brothers. So today we want to spend time with our special little girl" Archie smiles.

"Be ready in 30 minutes cause we are leaving when the boys are!" Veronica giggles. She cups her daughter's cheeks and presses a kiss to her forehead before she jumps up and runs back into the living room where Carter was screaming for her"

"Mom is so excited" Grace giggles.

Archie nods "She is. It's been a while since just the three of us did something. I love your brothers but sometimes I miss the days when my little girl was actually a little girl. When you crawled into our bed in the morning just to cuddle"

"Aww dad" Grace smiles and pats his shoulder. "You have two monsters now who do the same thing"

"I know, I know. I'm not complaining. It's just different honey. You were aways so calm and cuddly and the boys have so much energy. I'll leave you alone now" he chuckles. Just like his wife he kisses his daughter's forehead and leaves the room.

Grace smiles. She's kind of excited for this. She loves her twin brothers to death. They are the cutest with their red curls and warm smiles but she can't say that she's not excited to spend a day with her parents . She gets out of bed puts on a loose, light blue summer dress and a pair of white converes. She ties her long, slightly curly raven hair into a high ponytail and grabs her favorite ear rings from her nightstand. She got them from Archie. A few years ago he came home and gave them to her. He said there was no special occasion, he just had to think of her when he saw them.
Grace looks into the mirror right by her dresser. A pair of deep brown eyes and freckles stare back at her. She smiles at herself before she walks into the living room, looking forward to what's going to happen today. Her brothers come running with their arms up in the air. "Gracie" they both scream. "Can you play with us please before we go?"

"Sure" she nods. She can't even say anything else because Carter and Theo grab her hands and pull her to a pile of stuffed animals in the middle of the living room. Veronica and Archie watch them from the kitchen. While Veronica holds a cup of coffee, Archie's arms are wrapped around his wife and his chin rests on her shoulder. "She's 100% the perfect combination of us" Archie chuckles. "The dress, the shoes, the hair, the eyes, the freckles. That's us"

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